Old Glass, One trick is to find a sporterized No 4 foreend - the wood on either side of the receiver is high enough to cover the cut-off slot (and you can inlet for one, if you wish). These can be had for under $15 US on ebay or the like, makes for a decent practice piece. For Express Sights, check out MSR219 MK10 MSR 1 Fixed 2 Folding Leaf Express Sight (round bottom) MSR221 MK10 MSR 3 Folding Leaf Express Sight (round bottom) http://www.sarcoinc.com/mauser.html These are $35-40 each, IIRC - there's a deal if you buy three at once. The bottom contours are apparently for Mauser barrels, so you'll need someone to relief cut it for your Enfield's. |