Daryl, there is some interesting data and research presented in the Idaho Draft Wolf Resolution that applies to your points there. There is some research that indicates wolves have a "purifying" effect on some herds. This may in fact be true, but it is a function that can also be accomplished by human hunters. Value judgements guide all policy decisionmaking. To those who say wolves should have a protected place in the ecology of the West due to some inherent value due their status as a living organism, I say this: Some organisms should not exist at all or should exist in very small numbers under a very strictly protected program of management. Wolves are in my opinion one of them. The organisms that cause small pox, malaria, HIV and dengue fever are others. Those are also living organisms. Maybe they should be given free reign? I find wolves boring, bothersome, ugly and quite frankly I would love to see them exist in zoos all around the world. Just not in the woods and mountains of Idaho. |