(.416 member)
19/12/06 04:24 AM
Re: Handicapped hunting!


We have a tradition in our camp that goes like this ,,,, if you miss a shot at game (which pisses the doggers off to no end) another member of the camp is permitted to cut a portion of the shirt you are wearing off and pin it to the "wall of shame" along with a peice of paper stating your name, the date, and what you missed. suffice it to say that we are either going to have to put an addition on the camp or start taking much smaller portions of shirt.

I was afraid you were going to finish the story with how one of the guys cut 2 circles out of your shirt, right where your nipples are!

Seriously though, I'm sad to hear that things didn't go as smoothly as one would have wished. But it sounds like a good time was had by all anyway, which is what really counts, and as you said, the season isn't quite over. Maybe you'll get a second chance!


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