Quote: There are some roe deer which they are not hunting. Mainly fallow does and fawns. The fawns were being shot as well. The quotas are for whole of herd management. Not maximising trophy males. Good to see the hunters hunting by the town or smaller highway. Right on the fence. The English guy says he would get reported to police if he did it in the UK by some concerned citizen ... Ridiculous ... They need to do it more in the UK then. Get the public used to see guns used in a sporting manner being used legitimately. I remember walking down the road a kilometre back to the house carrying my rifle in Denmark. Or shooting hear the roads there and elsewhere. And of course I have shot on my farm many times near the road. Sometimes people might look. Never had the cops arrive. As they bloody well shouldn't. Urban types need to be educated on legal firearms and their correct place in society. The hard bit on these Swedish hunts would be shooting a male boar and not a female. A fine for a female! Big proper fine for shooting a dog. E5000 I think? Not enough imo. No moose in the video. |