today is world cats day and so I stumple over the iberian lynx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iberian_lynx the iberian lynx is called in german "Pardelluchs" and the "pardel" is the same like in Leopard or Gepard (german name for Cheetah) coming from the old greek pàrdos the name of the persian provins Parsis, today Fars https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fars_Province were such spooted cats were common in the ancient world. the iberian lynx was probably a rare bycatch on driven hunts in the old days http://www.cuadernosdecampo.es/Website/FichasOrganismos/FichaOrganismo.aspx?keyIDOrganismo=421 you find the iberian lynx also on one of my favourite drawings, Francisco de Goyas capriccio no. 43 "the sleep of reason produce monsters" what you can also translate as "the dream of the reason produce monsters" what give it a complete different turn |