Interesting. Do you have the dogs bring the fox or badger out of the holes or close to the entry and shoot them, or do you dig or reach in after them. We have nothing like that here. Our underground animal is the wombat, and it is protected, and is not a serious pest, just a bit of a nuisance sometimes by damaging fences. We usually put a lift up gate where they want to go, and leave them alone. They are very good at killing dogs who persue them underground. I hunt foxes by inviting them to me, with a whistle call, or by spotlighting them at night when they hunt and feed, or by sitting near their tracks and waiting for them to go home after a night of pestering livestock. I have only ever found them in their dens a few times, and those dens were in fallen timber. I did once shoot a feral dog crossed with some dingo that was living in an old mine tunnel. I was much younger then, and never thought of the 30-30 as a loud and painfull gun to fire. One shot in a long rock tunnel that was only about six feet high and 4 feet wide enlightened me. Your'e country did well against the Russians. You are lucky to have such a proud military history and people who remember it. I hope the recent tradgedy in your country does not have too many bad effects. In Australia the scavangers are already calling for more laws and restrictions here because of it. I am sure they like to see such tradgedies and suffering, as it supports their cause. |