(.333 member)
15/10/07 04:53 PM
Some photos

Woodpigeon starts huntingseason

Some ducks. Shooting most of my duck on field beside of beawerdam.

My son

Blackgrouse shot with 308 Sako Target and 185gr Scenar at 180yard.

Moose calf, Me and my allround rifle. 9.3x62 Sako Battue, 285gr Woodleigh RN SN.

(.375 member)
15/10/07 05:05 PM
Re: Some photos

Hi Paati,

Great photos, thanks for sharing!

I had a good grad school buddy who was in the Finnish army. I've been meaning to visit one day...

(.700 member)
17/10/07 09:40 PM
Re: Some photos

Good to see the next generation starting off right.


I have or had some friends in Finland. Hopefully one day I might visit it.

A pretty good haul of game in the photos too, woodpigeon, duck, black grouse and moose!

(.400 member)
17/10/07 10:09 PM
Re: Some photos

Man, that must be a great hunting country you've got. Stateside, you'd never be allowed to have a youngster younger than 12 or 14(I forget which) actually hunting and carrying a rifle at that. Nor will you be able to hunt a calf of any species. Must be nice.

(.333 member)
19/10/07 10:34 PM
Re: Some photos

Thank's for comments.
My son is 3 1/2 years old so he doesn't really hunt yet but I hope that someday he will. In finland you have to accomplish hunting license but there is no age limit. If hunter is under 15 there must be supervisor if he use firearm.
That rifle on my sons arm is only a toy. We were "hunting" on our yard and we managed to get that pintail.

(.333 member)
03/02/08 08:31 PM
Re: Some photos

These pictures have been taking during two day hunt. Shooting some ducks and grouses and having a good time with friends.

My friend and a hazel grouse

Cheking the age of black grouse

Black grouse

After hunting

(.275 member)
04/02/08 08:41 PM
Re: Some photos

Nice pictures, especially the last one around the fire.

(.700 member)
05/02/08 03:35 AM
Re: Some photos

Paatti- I really enjoyed your pictures - especially your son holding the duck. our Franklin grouse look very similar to your black grouse- colour and re-eye patch, but our's don't have the white feathers and are a bit smaller.
: Is the meat dark on your black grouse? Our Frankins are also called Spruce grouse, as they eat spruce needles. I don't shoot them and I'd just as soon eat spruce needles, but many do.
; The pictures showing your surroundings, bush, property etc, could be anywhere around here as well - virtually identical.

(.333 member)
05/02/08 06:49 AM
Re: Some photos

Meat of the black grouse is quite dark. They mostly eat buds of the birches in wintertime and berries in autumn. I think their meat is quite delicious but extra care needed when cooked because it dries wery easily.

This one was also easy to eat

You can take some grouses when you take care of the varmints too

(.375 member)
05/02/08 10:17 AM
Re: Some photos

Great pictures! What animal is that? a fox? a racoon? Great fun to take the kids out eh! My older two shot their first rabbits last month.

(.333 member)
06/02/08 11:48 PM
Re: Some photos

It is a racoondog. It is an illegal immigrant in Finland so I hunt them down as much as possible. There is one

(.333 member)
09/02/08 10:19 AM
Re: Some photos

My son and some of my hunting companions on Moose hunt

Matti, Hanti (dog) and the moose calf I shot.

(.224 member)
16/02/08 10:18 AM
Re: Some photos


My son and some of my hunting companions on Moose hunt

Matti, Hanti (dog) and the moose calf I shot.

These pictures look a lot like some spots in British Columbia, Canada
I like the picture of the little hunter,good way to start them out on the right path.Congrats on your moose.

(.450 member)
20/02/08 03:20 AM
Re: Some photos


As usual, GREAT pix and thanks for posting. I love the Fenno-Scandinavian stuff that gets posted here. And pictures really do say a thousand words!!

(.333 member)
20/02/08 09:45 AM
Re: Some photos

Part of the varmints taken on last sunday.

Close encounter

Hare and old reliable 870 turkey express

(.333 member)
27/02/08 03:08 AM
Re: Some photos

Add couple of photos from my archives

Badger and my allrounder

Crow and allrounder again

quite a hot picture

(.275 member)
03/04/08 12:42 PM
Re: Some photos

Nice bag.

(.400 member)
04/04/08 12:43 PM
Re: Some photos

would like to get a badger and racoon dog tanned fur for my collection any legal source.greatt pictures this world is so big but we share the same love if everyone in the world were hunters there might not be any wars.we would know we have more in common than not.damn nonhunter always screwing things up.beautiful hunting grounds,and thanks for passing it on to the future.funny huh the planet was once all hunters now look at it.

(.333 member)
10/04/08 04:36 AM
Re: Some photos

I think that I could arrange fur for you.

My German hunt terrier and a couple raccoon dogs

Me, my Valmet 212 combi and wood pigeons

(.700 member)
10/04/08 05:22 AM
Re: Some photos

Big Coons. They didn't grow that big back in Ontario, Canada where I was raised. The colour is slightly different too, ours more grey with more of a 'Zorro' mask. The badger is quite similar to the ones in the Prairies here, bit pointier nose perhaps. Our crows don't have any grey feathers, and our hares here in BC are smaller and called Snowshoe hares - turning white in winter. Back in Ontario, we had European hares which looked identical to yours, or course. A beaver appears to be a beaver anywhere.
; Your Valmet looks identical to the T33 Trap Savage I had back in 1974. Same action - very tight shooter.

(.333 member)
10/04/08 02:20 PM
Re: Some photos


Big Coons. They didn't grow that big back in Ontario, Canada where I was raised. The colour is slightly different too, ours more grey with more of a 'Zorro' mask. A beaver appears to be a beaver anywhere.
; Your Valmet looks identical to the T33 Trap Savage I had back in 1974. Same action - very tight shooter.

Coons and raccoon dogs are not the same species. They are not even relatives.

Beavers in my pictures really look same than yours in Canada, because it is canadian beaver. Thera are also european beaver in Finland. European beaver is smaller and tail is more narrow.

Valmet made some Savage models. At least 212 and 312 are sold under Savage names in North American markets.

(.333 member)
19/04/08 12:57 AM
Re: Some photos

Some older photos

Opening day

Last duck hunting day. -16 celsius

(.700 member)
19/04/08 02:42 AM
Re: Some photos


Thanks for the photos. Always interesting to see other peoples and countries hunting.

(.333 member)
21/08/08 09:09 PM
Re: Some photos

Some new ones

(.375 member)
22/08/08 04:50 AM
Re: Some photos

Great hunting photos and great to see the young ones with you. The photos remind me so much of when I lived in Alaska in the early '70s. Terrain, animals, trees, etc.
Keep us posted with your adventures. List some of the calibers of the rifles and handguns you are using.
Thank you,

(.333 member)
22/08/08 03:43 PM
Re: Some photos

Rifles on pictures abowe are 308win Sako Target and 9,3x62 Sako Battue but I also use 308 Sako Forester, 30-30win customised baikal ij-18 and 22lr Toz-17 and Remington nylon. Pistol is Walther p22 target. Handguns are allowed only on finishing and cave hunting purposes.

Forester and magpie

(.333 member)
28/08/08 01:37 AM
Re: Some photos

Shooting some tasty fieldspares today

(.375 member)
28/08/08 02:00 AM
Re: Some photos

Thanks for sharing those wonderful pics. I can smell the campfire!

(.333 member)
24/09/08 03:15 AM
Re: Some photos

Hunting in North-Carelia last week and shot couple of birds.

River splits the capercaillie country

My friend shot one young male capercaillie

Hazel grouse

(.333 member)
24/09/08 03:25 AM
Re: Some photos


Petb (people eating tasty birds) meeting

Also cheking old battlefields.

(.275 member)
24/09/08 06:40 AM
Re: Some photos

paatti, I was to busy looking at the pictures to read the words. In the original post you say the handgun is used for cave hunting. What do you hunt in caves? How is it done?
I know this is not the forum for military history, but some info or more pictures of the old battlefields would interest me. You are lucky to have such good hunting available, and I see you use what you shoot. Great

(.333 member)
24/09/08 10:13 PM
Re: Some photos

The term cave hunting might be wrong but I mean fox, badger and racoondog hunting under ground with assistance of terrier or similar dog. We have some places here which really are small caves.

Picture is taken on Änäkäisen linja where two Finnish batallions ErP 12 and ErP 13 fight one week against Russian strengthened infantry regiment during Winter War. Kivivaara couple of kilometres east is the first place where Red army cross the border during Winter War.

(.700 member)
25/09/08 04:54 AM
Re: Some photos

Thanks for the latest edition of your interesting photos. Some good eating there too.

(.450 member)
25/09/08 05:09 AM
Re: Some photos

Nitro, I love seeing Paati's pix!

But, alas, I apologize...I am on a decrepit and sluggish phone line system {remote, old and outdated...} that makes for very slow uploads and sometimes they time out. Is there any way to size the pix down a bit?

I'm a big fan of the posts from Suomi and want to see them all!

Hey, Paati: Not far from Kivivaara the Reds got introduced to your kivaari's, too, yes?

(.275 member)
25/09/08 07:27 AM
Re: Some photos

Interesting. Do you have the dogs bring the fox or badger out of the holes or close to the entry and shoot them, or do you dig or reach in after them. We have nothing like that here. Our underground animal is the wombat, and it is protected, and is not a serious pest, just a bit of a nuisance sometimes by damaging fences. We usually put a lift up gate where they want to go, and leave them alone. They are very good at killing dogs who persue them underground.

I hunt foxes by inviting them to me, with a whistle call, or by spotlighting them at night when they hunt and feed, or by sitting near their tracks and waiting for them to go home after a night of pestering livestock. I have only ever found them in their dens a few times, and those dens were in fallen timber.

I did once shoot a feral dog crossed with some dingo that was living in an old mine tunnel. I was much younger then, and never thought of the 30-30 as a loud and painfull gun to fire. One shot in a long rock tunnel that was only about six feet high and 4 feet wide enlightened me.

Your'e country did well against the Russians. You are lucky to have such a proud military history and people who remember it. I hope the recent tradgedy in your country does not have too many bad effects. In Australia the scavangers are already calling for more laws and restrictions here because of it. I am sure they like to see such tradgedies and suffering, as it supports their cause.

(.333 member)
27/09/08 04:10 AM
Re: Some photos

Normally dog chasing game out of the cave or block or hold out animal until hunter could reach the game. There is no dog which could actually bring adult badger out and dogs which try to do it are quite short-lived. Good badger hunting dog is also a good dog for racoondog and fox.
Nowdays I try to use electronic earmuffs everytime I have to shoot under ground.

(.700 member)
27/09/08 12:00 PM
Re: Some photos


Nitro, I love seeing Paati's pix!

But, alas, I apologize...I am on a decrepit and sluggish phone line system {remote, old and outdated...} that makes for very slow uploads and sometimes they time out. Is there any way to size the pix down a bit?

I'm a big fan of the posts from Suomi and want to see them all!

Try viewing these threads "threaded" ie so only one post at a time loads.

I also use dial-up a lot. Currently on a wireless network but the limit will be reached today so back to dial-up myself. Broadband was the only way I saw all of Paati's photos myself!

(.333 member)
08/10/08 04:15 AM
Re: Some photos

Working under ground


(.333 member)
25/02/09 05:36 AM
Re: Some photos

Predator conrol pictures
Raccoondog an I

Fox that bolted out last sunday

Raccoondog pair four days ago.

(.700 member)
25/02/09 06:01 AM
Re: Some photos

Wonderful pictures! Thankyou for sharing them with us.

(.333 member)
25/02/09 06:32 AM
Re: Some photos

Scouting Roe Deers.

Badger and my friends GJT


(.450 member)
25/02/09 07:03 AM
Re: Some photos

Paati,your pics are good to view from another countries perspective and your camo pattern I am interested in,what manufacturer supplied your camo in the moose calf photos?

(.333 member)
25/02/09 07:33 AM
Re: Some photos

Those pants are Finish army m-91 pants. Same than on third picture and the one where is black grouse tied on backpack. Camo pattern is quite good but that suit isn't best for hunting.

(.333 member)
27/02/09 05:29 PM
Re: Some photos

Couple more pictures from archives

Mallard drake and Valmet 212

Big bunny and my son

(.333 member)
18/03/09 03:39 AM
Re: Some photos

GJT going to work

Singleshot and raccoondog

(.333 member)
26/03/09 02:33 AM
Re: Some photos

Some pictures taken today.

Scouting foxes

Small creek that crossing my hunting area

White feathers and snow

My friend and his dogs first raccoondogs.

(.333 member)
01/04/09 08:47 AM
Re: Some photos


great photos! thanks for sharing!

(.333 member)
12/10/09 05:31 AM
Re: Some photos

My son and my younger terrier and hers first badger.

Allmost endles thicket

The Prize

(.450 member)
12/10/09 07:30 PM
Re: Some photos

loved all of those pics,just terrific

(.333 member)
08/12/09 02:58 AM
Re: Some photos

Here are some new photos

(.333 member)
08/12/09 03:07 AM
Re: Some photos

Hare and my father in law

(.400 member)
08/12/09 07:01 AM
Re: Some photos

Striking photos. I can't tell much about the second one. Is that a CISM rifle? What caliber? An Auerhahn (black cock)?

(.333 member)
08/12/09 07:21 AM
Re: Some photos

Rifle is sako target 308Win using it mostly on range but also on hunting when accuracy is needed. Bird is male black grouse or / oder Birkhahn

(.416 member)
10/12/09 06:39 AM
Re: Some photos

Interesting pictures as always Paatti. We don't have racoon dogs (Mårhund) here yet, but I have no doubt that they eventually will migrate towards us through Sweden.

(.333 member)
11/12/09 11:25 PM
Re: Some photos

Erik i try to hold them (Mårhund) as long as i can but you are propably right.

Yesterdays male Lynx 21kg

(.416 member)
12/12/09 07:52 AM
Re: Some photos


Do you have a quota for lynx, or can you shoot as many as you want?

(.333 member)
12/12/09 08:41 AM
Re: Some photos

In Finland you can hunt lynx only if you have licence. We had one licence for about 80 000 hectares. Not too many. My hunting area is about 5 600 hectares and nowdays minimum 5 lynxes lives or visits here regularly. If we are lucky enough we might get another licence for this winter. Our hunt in this area lasts about 2,5 hour.

(.375 member)
21/12/09 06:31 AM
Re: Some photos

Are you allowed to hunt bobcats in your country?, Lynxes in Spain is heavily protected because there are very few copies. Beautiful photographs. Is there raccoons in Finland?


(.333 member)
23/12/09 03:15 AM
Re: Some photos

There is no bobcats in Finland. Bobcat (lynx rufus) is American species.
We have raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides)in Finland but not raccoons(Procyon lotor).

(.333 member)
09/01/10 07:32 AM
Re: Some photos

Stalking in the winter wonderland...

Heading home towards hot rum -23 celsius

(.333 member)
12/01/10 06:16 AM
Re: Some photos

Taken some scenery photos today.

(.333 member)
12/01/10 11:42 AM
Re: Some photos

What a magnificent set of photos Paatti they are great,

how do you hunt Lynx?



(.700 member)
12/01/10 01:24 PM
Re: Some photos

Thanks for more great photos.

(.333 member)
13/01/10 07:25 PM
Re: Some photos

Thank you for your compliment.

We hunt lynx by dog. We have use finnish hound but also american fox houds or other hounds and sometimes spitz or laika type dogs have used. Normally one dog at a time. First we track down lynx first and when we approximately know where it might be, we set hunters in place. Then release the dog to the track or follow the track with dog attached to the line and when lynx escapepes then release dog. Normally shotguns are used (3,5 - 5,2 mm shots) but sometimes rifles too and combiguns are guite popular also.

(.333 member)
21/02/10 04:17 AM
Re: Some photos

some photos from my archives
Black grouse and sako

870, brown hare and my younger djt

(.333 member)
21/02/10 04:20 AM
Re: Some photos

Waiting for ducks

Bright but freezing cold autumn day

(.700 member)
25/02/10 04:33 AM
Re: Some photos

Paati's excellent photos copied to the NE server.

(.333 member)
30/03/10 06:27 AM
Re: Some photos

Succesful badger hunt today.

(.333 member)
30/03/10 06:36 AM
Re: Some photos

Killed raccoondog and dog under the drying barn

(.333 member)
29/04/10 03:08 AM
Re: Some photos


After the mission

(.333 member)
30/04/10 06:58 AM
Re: Some photos

Off season fun. Reloading and range activities.

Some bullets I used for my 30-30Win

Testing .22lr cartridges

Windy day group

(.400 member)
30/04/10 07:12 AM
Re: Some photos

Good stuff, Paatti!

(.333 member)
05/05/10 06:23 AM
Re: Some photos

Some more photos...

After the old lady was spoken all targets lay broken and scattered
across the shootingfield like brown leaves blown by the wind.

Scouting roes during fox calling

(.333 member)
03/09/10 01:58 AM
Re: Some photos

Have to use combi for teals because of man eating moose

(.333 member)
05/09/10 03:11 AM
Re: Some photos

Seasons delicacy

(.300 member)
05/09/10 05:03 AM
Re: Some photos


Nice pictures.

I see that you are using gyttorp cartidges,Would love to know how they perform.


(.333 member)
05/09/10 05:23 AM
Re: Some photos

Those Gyttorp Steel maxes performs pretty well!
Shot size 8,5 steel and only 24gram load but I have allready taken Couple of ducks and smaller gamebirds wiht them.
Also pretty satisfied with other gyttorp cartridges.

(.300 member)
12/09/10 04:40 AM
Re: Some photos


Thanks for the info


(.333 member)
18/09/10 04:16 AM
Re: Some photos

Some beaver hunt pictures

Wander to the river

30-30 has spoken

(.333 member)
06/10/10 01:16 AM
Re: Some photos

One night I was sitting on the stand

(.333 member)
06/10/10 01:26 AM
Re: Some photos

(.333 member)
08/10/10 05:08 AM
Re: Some photos


One night I was sitting on the stand

(.333 member)
05/11/10 02:37 PM
Re: Some photos

My best hunting companions and a raccoondog

Not too big but nice one to eat.

(.300 member)
08/11/10 05:59 AM
Re: Some photos

Good photos, as always!

What scope do you use for the evening hunts on a stand?

- Lars/Finland

(.333 member)
08/11/10 07:24 AM
Re: Some photos


Good photos, as always!

What scope do you use for the evening hunts on a stand?

- Lars/Finland

Nowdays I use Meopta Meostar R1r 3-12x56 scope.

(.333 member)
18/11/10 06:22 AM
Re: Some photos

Crows and old eagle owl decoy.

(.333 member)
18/11/10 06:27 AM
Re: Some photos

Lemmy's first fox

(.224 member)
18/11/10 08:26 PM
Re: Some photos

Beautiful Pics, thanks for sharing mate.

(.333 member)
13/12/10 01:28 AM
Re: Some photos

When hunting in wintertime you have to trust your transportations and your gun. Finnish cold blooded horse and M39 "Ukko-Pekka"

(.416 member)
13/12/10 03:49 AM
Re: Some photos


Crows and old eagle owl decoy.

Do the crows come down to harass the eagle owl? Crows do that with hawks here. That looks to be an excellent way to draw them in for a shot.

(.333 member)
13/12/10 05:14 AM
Re: Some photos


Do the crows come down to harass the eagle owl?

Yes they do. Shooting crows with eagle owl decoy is traditional way to shoot them here in northern europe.

(.400 member)
13/12/10 09:07 AM
Re: Some photos

Great hunting, and great pictures, Paatti! Thanks for sharing them.

(.333 member)
24/01/11 06:04 AM
Re: Some photos

Waiting for badger to peek.

Really missing those warm spring / early summer days and roe buck season, now when it is -24 celcius.

(.333 member)
13/08/11 12:46 AM
Re: Some photos

Finally it is a pigeon season here. Opening days saldo 16 pigeons and two crows.

That one thought that i have only pigeon shots with me but there is always a slug or two in pocket. Distance about 70meters

(.300 member)
15/08/11 11:56 PM
Re: Some photos

Damn, Antti! Do you actually do anything besides hunting??

Thanks for sharing.

Back to the scope for evening hunts: have you compared the Meopta with other scopes of higher price e.g. Zeiss, Swaro, S&B? I'm in need of a new kytiskivääri, and I would hate to spend 1500€ on a scope... You can PM me.

- Lars/Finland

(.450 member)
16/08/11 12:28 AM
Re: Some photos

Wonderful pix Paatti!

Really a great thread!!

(.700 member)
16/08/11 12:55 AM
Re: Some photos

Great pictures, - thanks

(.400 member)
16/08/11 03:33 AM
Re: Some photos

Nice shot on the fox!!! I like your photos, it´s great... //S

(.333 member)
18/08/11 03:27 AM
Re: Some photos


Damn, Antti! Do you actually do anything besides hunting??

Sometimes even though that I dont want to do (allmost) anything else

(.333 member)
22/08/11 04:23 AM
Re: Some photos

With DJT you can

Waterfowl season opens yesterday. I Did a little walk with my dog and a gun today and managed to bagged goldeneye dublee and a badger

(.400 member)
22/08/11 06:17 AM
Re: Some photos

Your Terrier looks proud! Good work. //S

(.400 member)
22/08/11 07:15 AM
Re: Some photos

Good hunting, Paatti!

(.700 member)
22/08/11 05:46 PM
Re: Some photos

As always enjoy seeing the hunting photos from Finland. Thanks.

(.275 member)
22/08/11 11:49 PM
Re: Some photos

Love the photos please keep them coming.

This thread is too good to die.

Thanks for sharing.

(.333 member)
08/09/11 05:52 AM
Re: Some photos

Trophy picture

(.333 member)
13/09/11 02:31 AM
Re: Some photos

Magpie shooting goes tactical

(.333 member)
25/09/11 02:22 AM
Re: Some photos

Packing light gears and going after roe deers. Binos, knife and a single shot rifle.
Found a propriate buck and managed to take it.

a way back was not so light

(.400 member)
25/09/11 02:43 AM
Re: Some photos

Nice work, an old famous Swedish Moosehunter said that Moosehunting should be light an easy, the same with hunting
Roedeer in Paattis way. What rifle did you use? // staffan

(.333 member)
25/09/11 03:24 AM
Re: Some photos

Rifle is customised baikal ij-18 cal 30-30win.

(.333 member)
03/10/11 05:44 PM
Re: Some photos

Pair of black grouses taken by my Dutch friend during our hunt in Finland.

(.400 member)
03/10/11 08:19 PM
Re: Some photos

They are beautiful birds!!! Did he shoot behind a dog??

(.400 member)
03/10/11 08:19 PM
Re: Some photos

Love the photo's mate.

Beautiful country you live and hunt in.

Keep them coming please.

(.333 member)
04/10/11 01:20 AM
Re: Some photos

We use traditional Finnish way to hunt those two. Decoying and calling them. We hunt also by walking them up without a dog. I thought that rough shooting is right term for that kind of hunt.

Here is one more photo from our hunt. Mallard triple and goldeneye taken with s/s. All of them jump out same time so there was little bit of speed loading

(.333 member)
08/10/11 02:13 AM
Re: Some photos

Not so good shooting today but dog save the day

(.333 member)
17/10/11 05:35 AM
Re: Some photos

Couple of more photos


My son was my spotter on moosehunt.

(.333 member)
27/10/11 03:42 AM
Re: Some photos

Raccoondog hunt with junior hunters.

(.416 member)
27/10/11 05:47 AM
Re: Some photos

Nice pictures Paatti. Keep them coming!

(.333 member)
03/11/11 06:14 PM
Re: Some photos

Couple of beaver photos from this autumn.

(.700 member)
05/11/11 04:35 PM
Re: Some photos

As always Paati, enjoyable photos.

(.333 member)
12/11/11 02:53 AM
Re: Some photos

Here is couple of fresh ones. Raccoondogs number 20 (taken yesterday) and 21 (taken today) of this season

(.700 member)
12/11/11 06:07 PM
Re: Some photos

Love the little JT.

(.400 member)
13/11/11 03:48 AM
Re: Some photos

Paatti, you have a great hunting area!!! Very nice pics and interesting to follow your hunting...

(.333 member)
20/11/11 08:26 AM
Re: Some photos

Time to add couple of fresh ones

Moose cow taken with sako battue 9,3x62 and woodleigh 285gr sprn

Same moose another photo.
Two norwegian grey moose dogs which again do most of of the job. Normally use only one dog but this time they worked too close each others and other one thought that it is better to work united.

(.450 member)
20/11/11 12:58 PM
Re: Some photos

Skitt jakt Paatti!!

{I wish I could say it in Suomen...}

I really enjoy your photos.

Thanks so much!

(.333 member)
03/12/11 04:25 AM
Re: Some photos

Todays catch raccoondog n.28

(.333 member)
07/12/11 04:08 AM
Re: Some photos

Couple of photos from our independence day driven hunt 06.12.2011

Our team

(.400 member)
07/12/11 08:08 AM
Re: Some photos

Thats a good hunt! /Staffan

(.333 member)
09/12/11 03:50 AM
Re: Some photos

American fox hound run that fox underground and my Djt forced it to bolt out.

(.700 member)
09/12/11 04:23 AM
Re: Some photos

Nice as always.

The DJT is doing the job too I see.

(.333 member)
11/12/11 02:56 AM
Re: Some photos

Thanks Staffan and John.

Younger DJT has already earned its food for this winter and older still going strong too.

(.300 member)
11/12/11 04:18 AM
Re: Some photos


I just found this thread. It is really enjoyable. Thanks for sharing. I love that little dog of yours. He appears to have the attitude of supreme hunter!

Really good stuff.


(.333 member)
01/01/12 07:14 AM
Re: Some photos

Last ones of 2011

My son and some of my friends digging today in last of december.

Juniors and the days catch.

(.400 member)
02/01/12 07:45 PM
Re: Some photos

Patti, some nice pics. Is it easy to dig? No ground frost, we haven´t had any cold yet and no snow. It was some cold during New Year, but now it´s ++ again and the snow disappears. //Staffan

(.275 member)
02/01/12 07:51 PM
Re: Some photos

great pics, thanks for posting

(.700 member)
03/01/12 02:02 AM
Re: Some photos

A good finish to 2011, Paati.

(.333 member)
29/01/12 01:23 AM
Re: Some photos

Some photos from last autumn.

My friend planned how to skin his first beaver

Best Black grouse of the autumn

Moose and some of my hunting friends

(.333 member)
29/01/12 07:00 AM
Re: Some photos

Some more
Friend of mine took this one during foxhunt

and i miss that shot

One taken during fox calling
This one is taken with timer.

(.400 member)
29/01/12 07:07 AM
Re: Some photos

Patti nice pics, I enjoy them. Let go through this winter!!!

(.333 member)
06/02/12 08:33 AM
Re: Some photos

Thanks again Sville.

Yesterday I was out with my younger terrier. Bit tough place for one man to dig but finally got one raccoon dog.
Tools in moonlight

Dog and quarry

(.333 member)
16/06/12 03:48 AM
Re: Some photos

Some photos from this late winter and spring season.

Did a overnight trip to my other hunting territory on lake Saimaa. Planned to hunt beaver and small predators

it was allready dark when I arrived to the camp

Got sms from a friend that I will not be alone in the forest

There was still too heavy ice cover so beaver hunting was hopeles

Both dogs disappearred after interesting tracks and I found another from this set

Finally after some strugling I managed to bagged badger and a raccoondog and also found both dogs

(.333 member)
17/08/12 03:35 AM
Re: Some photos

Some photos from my trip to Germany

Dog careing after hunting in the maisfield

Piglet double taken from highseat

Some roedeer antlers from one week hunting with friends

My first called roedeer

(.333 member)
19/10/12 05:27 AM
Re: Some photos

My daughter, friend and our dogs after succesful foxhunt

Good sized bear track in my hunting area

Winged varmint. Hooded crow

Couple days out in the island, Storming sea around us. Good trip and first of six black grouse we took.

(.400 member)
19/10/12 05:47 AM
Re: Some photos

Thats great pics, Patti, I am glad you enjoy yourself!!! /Staffan

(.333 member)
30/10/12 03:51 AM
Re: Some photos

Thanks Staffan

My dutch friends were here to hunt with me couple of days. We had a really nice time together again and we managed to bagged some birds.

(.333 member)
18/12/12 06:17 AM
Re: Some photos

Car hit the adult moosecow and it limped in to the darkness with three legs. Tracked it with the dog after it goes to the river and continues next morning. Dog found it quite near the river about 7km from the place where car hit it and I finally managed to put the stop for its suffering.

(.333 member)
18/12/12 06:21 AM
Re: Some photos

A Genuine hunter that I met during one of my woodcockhunt this autumn

(.333 member)
18/12/12 06:23 AM
Re: Some photos

My jagd terrier Lemmy at work.

18/12/12 02:25 PM
Re: Some photos

The pictures tells an amazing story. You guys really had a good season thus far. Thanks for sharing. It is good to see what is happening in other parts of the world. I have never hunted in snow, that must be a challenge on its own.

(.700 member)
18/12/12 03:00 PM
Re: Some photos


I always enjoy your photos, and you inspire us with your photos, myself to put an occasional photo of hunting stuff done here. Whether a simple hare, duck, or something bigger.

I enjoy your snowy photos.

BTW regarding your German Jagd Terrier. I had my first encounter with one at Staffan's. Horrible little monster, grunting and growling away as it followed some sort of trail. Unfortunately for me the end of the hunt, both that day and in Sweden as it was the last hunt before I left. The dog reaching me, meant the hunt was all over.

(.333 member)
21/12/12 05:47 AM
Re: Some photos

Thanks guys. I have had a good season so far. Snow situation is not too good now. We have guite a much of it right now and its quite soft so it really is a tough job to go through it by walking, skiing or by car.

Jagd terriers are like that You can remember one when you see it first time and then its up to you if you like them or not. They are not so elegant but when its about hunting jagds going full steam ahead.

(.333 member)
25/07/13 09:45 AM
Re: Some photos

First boar ever from my hunting area and first boar ever for me from Finland.

(.700 member)
25/07/13 01:52 PM
Re: Some photos

Horrible little monster, grunting and growling away as it followed some sort of trail.


Jagd terriers are like that You can remember one when you see it first time and then its up to you if you like them or not. They are not so elegant but when its about hunting jagds going full steam ahead.

I should have said "Like a horrible little monster". Just the impression.

Congratulations on the boar. The first in your hunting area, are they colonising new lands?

(.700 member)
25/07/13 03:12 PM
Re: Some photos

COOL!- looks like you spine'd him from a tree stand.

(.333 member)
26/07/13 07:59 AM
Re: Some photos

Thank you John. They slowly colonising Finland starting from Russian border but still less than 200 boars are shot in Finland yerly.
Daryl I spined it but not from a tree stand. 120 meter freehand shot standing on a ground. Hit bit higher where I ment it but dropped it.

(.300 member)
27/07/13 12:05 AM
Re: Some photos

Nice, as usual!
Indeed, the climate is probably a bit too harsh for the wild boar in Finland.

Have you swapped the Meopta scope for a Zeiss?

- Lars/Finland

(.333 member)
27/07/13 04:28 AM
Re: Some photos

Meopta is still on use but 2 different Zeiss have found home on top my rifles too but dont tell it to my wife...

(.300 member)
30/07/13 04:05 AM
Re: Some photos


2 Zeiss scopes? So you think they're worth the extra money over the Meopta?
We didn't compare the scopes although we discussed it... My fault - I've been in the neighborhood so I should have dropped you a note.

- Lars/Finland

(.333 member)
30/07/13 10:35 PM
Re: Some photos

Quality / price ratio is about the same with zeiss and meopta but I think that zeiss illuminated n.60 reticle is close to ideal for overall/night time use.

(.416 member)
31/07/13 06:06 PM
Re: Some photos

Paatti, I have just found this thread. You live in a good part of the world. Some excellent photos there. Congratulations on the Boar.

(.333 member)
31/07/13 08:56 PM
Re: Some photos

great photos and well done on the first pig. Thanks for sharing

(.333 member)
01/08/13 03:12 AM
Re: Some photos

Its the last day of a hunting year today in here so its time to turn new page. I have 2 new dog for this season and hope that they both will do their job. Hopefully some good moments ahead.

That was one of the most memorable hunts of last hunting year.

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