(.700 member)
05/04/10 01:59 AM
The Roe Deer Thread

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The diminutive roe deer, a clever beast living often in close proximity to man, in orchards, vineyards, fields and forests.

One of the most sought after game animals in Europe by numbers taken alone.

Please share your photos.

(.375 member)
06/04/10 05:05 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread



Summer buck

Early spring buck

One of my best - came to call in rut (August) shot at 8m

Shot with Bruno ZH double in 7.62 Russian

Tracked down this one fro my friend

And some old bucks from recent years:


images added to NE

(.700 member)
07/04/10 01:35 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread


As always you supply the goods with excellent photos.

I love roe deer and your dog is always welcome in the photos too.

(.375 member)
07/04/10 08:48 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Thank you - no problem - my pleasure.

(.300 member)
17/04/10 08:13 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Very nice too. These was taken in May a few years ago:-

He was laying with this pretty 4 Pt and this was all you could see at first:-

And this one is from the same place but a couple of years earlier still:-

Now I was out stalking Roe Buck only last Thursday morning at at 07:30 got this one. A nice mature 6 Pt which unbeknown to me at the time Robbo the stalker was fliming:-

The rifle is my 59 Vintage BSA Majestic Featherweight Deluxe in 270 winchester. The dog is one of Robbos and a sweet thing. That morning gave me few firsts. My first deer with Robbo (second outign with him and the only reason we did not bring a Doe home last time was the Swedish Mauser refused to fire ), my first 6pt Roe Buck and the first time I had used the Federal Fusion 150 grain ammunition. Despite the photo I was actually quite please but as the shot came a bit late due to my dithering on deciding whether to shoot this Buck or not I was not so pleased with my own performance

images added to NE

(.300 member)
02/05/10 07:28 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Today was opening day in Bavaria, and many who usually rush out this day stayed home because of stormy weather. I, however, have often had my best days on various kinds of game in bad weather as especially seasoned game animals get around more then, as they seems to feel safe from hunters in bad weather.

I was payed off with shooting this grey ghost, while still-hunting with my dog deep in the forrest, just before noon:

(.333 member)
03/05/10 04:29 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Congratulations! Nice Roe but too big for livesize pictures
Maybe you could resize your pictures a bit.

(.375 member)
10/05/10 04:25 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Got this little fella - they are ghosty - territorial bucks are driving them away at first sight, so they are very hard to get.
Saturday at 20.50 (sunset was at 20.10) - very hard estimation (shooting a pregnant doe would be a real problem) and shot at 120m:

image added to NE

(.700 member)
21/07/10 03:04 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Ovny's Spanish Roebuck

from this thread

(.375 member)
02/08/10 10:51 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

mine from yesterday - also a tribute to a double rifle as a perfect rifle for hunting in rut:

(.333 member)
13/08/10 01:25 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

After a forced truce of a month,consecutive to a very untimely fractured elbow, I have sufficiently progressed in my revalidation to handle a rifle, so that I could resume hunting last week (Roebucks are in full rut). The season being advanced, I gave priority to selection instead of trophies and was able to cull these 2 unpromising bucks :

BTW, with an eye on stalking wild boar on a new hunting lease in another area, I had switched from my std. Roedeer 30-06 handload (165 Sierra GK) to a heavier 180 gn Norma Vulkan handload. Both bucks were shot with the latter and I was surprised by the rather violent expansion of the Vulkan on such light bodied game. I had expected smaller wounds from the Vulkan heavier and harder bullet.

22/09/10 11:00 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Which country has the best trophy quality roe?

(.400 member)
22/09/10 05:19 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

There are three sub-species of Roe Deer. The European Roe Deer, the Siberian Roe Deer and the Chinese Roe Deer. The Siberian form is larger than the other two, and has antlers which have more branches.
In Europe the world record buck is shot in Great Britain and was measured by CIC in 2007. The second biggest is shot in the south of Sweden. You find good trophies in most of the northen countries of Europe. /Sville

(.400 member)
22/09/10 06:42 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

FWIW the missus is at Lago di Garda ATM where she had a meal of tagliatelle and roe deer, remarking that it was very nice but not as good as home cooked sambal hare.

(.700 member)
31/10/10 03:11 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Competition entries for the Save raffle ticket totalled and now closed for this thread.

Ladies and Gentlemen, thanks for joining in.

However please post more photos if you wish.

(.224 member)
20/11/10 03:12 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

not a big one, but a tasty one...

(.333 member)
10/05/11 06:39 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

My biggest buck ever. Not a monster but very happy to it!

(.700 member)
10/05/11 07:21 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Congratulations Paati.

I always enjoy coming back to this thread and see the roe.

(.333 member)
13/05/11 04:29 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Thanks John!
Here is Roe buck that my new friend took last friday.

(.333 member)
01/07/11 01:31 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Here is couple of buck from my hunting reviere

(.700 member)
02/07/11 01:14 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread


Wow! Exceptional photos!

(.375 member)
31/07/11 08:38 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Saturday 30th of July - 8.25PM - came to call - shot with irons quartering off hand at best buck ever...

(.333 member)
24/09/11 03:51 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Have to show one smaller buck after 93Mouse's magnificent buck.
This is my first buck ever taken on to my own hunting ground. Stalked and shot with 30-30win single shot at 120 meters.

(.375 member)
24/09/11 08:45 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Weidmannsheil Paatti!

Size is always relative - there are giant roebucks taken every year in other grounds that would put mine to shame - but there is no comparison anyway...except age - in my book age is over inches - always!

Congrats again - may there be many more to come.

(.375 member)
13/10/11 06:15 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Filling tags - just back from a cull - 7kg fawn with 9,3x62 230gr. GS HV Custom

(.333 member)
13/10/11 05:11 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Waidmannsheil! That's some good eating.
Interesting bullet.

(.224 member)
07/06/12 09:39 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

(Allso posted in the Double rifles forum)
Yesterday I had the luck to shoot a nice Roe Buck with my Gebr. merkel 375 H&H Flanged, loaded with W. Romey and 300 grains Woodleigh RN.

The distance was app 35 meters and the bullet entered tru the left front and exited at the last rib on the other side. The exit hole was app 4-5 centimeters

I admit that I was heavily over armed for our small deer and the summer hunt. It would be perfectly acceptable to use a .222 with a 50 grains bullet. However this was my first outing with the Merkel and I just couldent resist the temptation to try it out.
As allways I harly noticed the shot, just focused on the buck just a few meters away. The Buck ran just 15 or 20 meters and was dead. There were a lot of lung fragments in the blood so I knew that it would be lying close to the spot.

The summer here is extreemly dry, so walking is difficult with all dry leaves and small branches making a lot of noise, but I found the roebuck sleeping and saw it at maybe 10 meters , but couldent shoot , the Buck noticed something was wrong, and started of but unsure of what had disturbed him, he turned back to see me at maybe 35 meters distance, I knew that would be the only chance so the shot fell in this very moment.

The bullet performed as could be expected, maybe 1/3 of the heart is missing, and the exit hole is acceptable. So now we will dream about something black and bigger.

Darz bor, Peter Frost Hørlyck

(.300 member)
07/06/12 11:34 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Jealous... Still 2 more months before we can start hunting roe deer bucks up here.. 2 LOOOONG months. .

(.333 member)
08/06/12 01:34 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread



Nice gun and nice shot.


(.450 member)
08/06/12 04:18 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

From Docholiday another superb pic,this time of a neat roebuck he has grassed in the UK.
Thanks Doc.

(.400 member)
08/06/12 05:23 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Two nice bucks!!! It´s great to hunt roebuck in the spring.

(.400 member)
08/06/12 06:18 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Fantastic! Well-done!

(.333 member)
08/06/12 07:51 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

... and another great picture!

Thank you for sharing,


(.333 member)
16/06/12 03:06 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

This year I did stalking only on my own hunting territory. We dont have many roe deers yet so I want to save territorial bucks and shoot only yearlings. Of course I only saw good old bucks and does in range. Here is one of the does. Yes it is a doe even though it has small antlers.

(.224 member)
19/06/12 07:36 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread


This year I did stalking only on my own hunting territory. We dont have many roe deers yet so I want to save territorial bucks and shoot only yearlings. Of course I only saw good old bucks and does in range. Here is one of the does. Yes it is a doe even though it has small antlers.

If the objective is to have more Roe deers, that would be the wrong strategy. Generally the territorial bucks will not tolerate the younger bucks and runn them off your hunting area.

All roe deer are teritorial during the summer period from May to late august beginning of september, the older animals have bigger territories, the younger have smaller territories where they do not tolerate other roe deer.

I hunt a lot in both Denmark and Poland where there are quite oppsite strategies for managing the Roe deer population, in Denmark there is absolutely no rules and on avrage we shoot 1 roe deer / 10 Ha of land per year. in Poland where we have veeeeeery strict control of the age classes of the Bucks we shoot app 1 Roe deer / 100 Ha.

If the objective is to have more deer it is a better strategy to shoot the older bucks and have a relatively young population with smaller teritories. During the autum hunt, newer shoot females, just shoot one of the usual two kids.
If the roe does not have two kids on average, that could be an indicator on overpopulation. A similar indicator is the weight in December,it should be at least 13 kilos "on the hook"

Go hard on the foxes and other "predators", they are expensive during the first weeks of may. look at the vegetation in the hard months, april, beginning of may. If you start to see that the buds on most small trees are eaten, you should increase the number shoot.

Judging the number of deer in an area is simply impossible based on observations, Roe deer is invisible for long periods of the year. In the summer they sometimes do not move more than 20 meters per day. they eat, sleep, eat some more in virtually the same spot.

I live in the middle of the forest, observe the roe deer every day. I eat them with great pleasure and the summer hunt from mid May to mid july, in a period otherwise poor in hunting, keeps me alive till the autom hunt for Red Deer starts in September.


(.333 member)
20/06/12 12:39 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Our roe deer population is somewhere between 3 to 5 animals/1000ha in my hunting area. Of course in the summertime it is very difficult to estimate population but during snowtime its much easier even though roe deers doesnt move on large area.
Whole roe deer hunting and managing culture is quite new in Finland. Official recommendation is to save most of the good bucks but dont know which is the best.

(.375 member)
28/07/12 05:37 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Yesterday - came to call - 2 elderly...

(.333 member)
29/07/12 04:27 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Waidmannsheil! I'll have to wait one more week, then its time to flight to Germany after roe deers and boars.

(.333 member)
17/08/12 01:45 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

My first fieped roebuck

Some of the bucks we managed to bagged during last week with friends.

(.700 member)
17/08/12 02:20 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Well done Paatti.

(.400 member)
18/08/12 12:36 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Roebuck season starts on the 16 of august in Sweden. Evening of 15 I took these pics of a nice young buck 300 m from our house. Next morning I saw him on the field 50-60 m from my bedroom window when I went up early to go out. I didn´t want to shoot him from the house. Maybe I can get him in next coming days??? //Staffan

(.700 member)
18/08/12 04:46 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

How do you say 'wunderbar' in Swedish?

(.400 member)
18/08/12 04:54 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread


(.333 member)
18/08/12 05:06 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Härligt! Really nice roebuck.

(.333 member)
22/09/12 01:42 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

I have been out several times after this special roe doe and was finally lucky enough to bag it.

(.333 member)
25/09/12 11:19 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Beautiful photos! Tell us about the Brno ZH double rifle in 7.62x54 Russian. What sort of accuracy do you achieve with the rifle? Any information you can give will be welcome.

(.375 member)
25/09/12 04:31 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Eish Sahib - that is a long and interesting one - Mods this doeasn't fit under Roe bucks so move it to more appropriate place if needed.

Anyway - I have sold that double years ago - it was converted from 7x57R/16 combo. 16 ga barrel /lower one) was blown up due to soil plug - I was solving a close fight between a terrier and a badger (holding a dog with one hand and unintentionaly leant on a rifle.

Upper barrel original CZ (Poldi special steel) in 7x57R - additional (lower barrel) Ferlach (Bohler rasant) in 7,62 Russ, stock was right handed with fancy cheek but utterly unpleasant for lefty, so it (the cheek) was later grinded off, there was a Schmidt & Bender 4x36 mounted with Suhler einhack mount. The rifle was never meant for shots over 150 m - mainly used for tracking and driven hunts, so at the end the first trigger (upper barrel) was cut off and it became ST (first pull lower barrel, second pull upper one).

Why 7,62 Russ - After Balkan war moved down to the south back in nineties, there were zillions ammo left behind and I found it would be a pure waste if I don't find any use of them. Amongst others 7,62x54R came to front. Tho right from the beginning problems arise. Bullets were military ball type and as such not quite felicitous for hunting use. So I have drilled the bullets made them HP - also glued pellets on the tips on some. They worked like a charm on all hoofed animals encountered here in EU. They made good exits on all game- with app. 1 inch dia.

Accuracy - If memory serves me well it was app 2 inch at 100 m (7,62 Russ with 150 and 170 gr and 7x57R combined) - tho nowadays Norma and Lapua offer good factory ammo.

Ammo used - from left to right:

1. PPU (Prvi partizan) - military - brass 170 gr copper bullet FMJ - drilled with glued pellet insert - HP
2. Russian military steel copper plated case 150 gr steel coppered FMJ bullet drilled - HP
3. Russian military 150 gr tracer bullet
4. for comparison 7x57R

Next one was tougher. Since this caliber was made for Russian machine guns, there were those nasty thick corrosive primers. Due to the thickness of the primers there was occasional hang fire because the firing pin on a double just couldn't break it. So I planed the primers on the lathe a bit and it worked without any problems since (still had to clean the barrel for a week or so after every shot tho.
Primers - Left original one, right one »worked on«

However there was more to it (as usual) - since primers were planed they were further away from a firing pin's reach so the pin had to be custom made (longer) so it jutted out a bit - meaning that when using normal ammo the pin was slightly pushing against primer (there were visible scratches on the normal primers) + since primers were worked out with certain accuracy there were unavoidable differences and in two occasions the primers were thinned bit too much so the pin pierced them through (when shot of course) and on one of those occasions (when the rifle was opened) the pin broke.

(.333 member)
25/09/12 10:21 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Very interesting story. As it happens, I have a ZH204 (7x57R/12 ga) which I use like a double rifle. Brenneke slugs and 139 gr. handloads shoot to the same point out to 150 yards or so. I also have a BRNO 7x57R/7x57R double rifle. So far, I haven't been successful in getting the barrels to shoot to the same point of aim. I had decided to sell the rifle, but perhaps I should reconsider....

Anyway, your photos show a country that reminds me very much of my home area in Western North Carolina. Substitute white-tails for roe deer and you couldn't tell the difference.

(.333 member)
06/11/12 07:19 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

I was out stalking couple of days ago and find out that there was small group of roedeers on unharvested wheatfield. Doing all the tricks I can and managed to stalk in to 45 meters and shoot this buck. Biggest one so far for me. It was third time when I have opportunity to shoot this one and I couldnt hold myself anymore.

(.400 member)
07/11/12 12:45 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Patti, never give them more than three chances.....

(.400 member)
26/03/13 05:08 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

A Roedeer from this winter. Will be interesting to see what he will look like this summer. The bases are very big, hopefully he is just a big one and that it will not grow down his eyes.

(.333 member)
20/04/13 07:04 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Nice, strong buck. Is that the same animal that has been seen on summer photo in this thread earlier? Look forward to see how it'll look like a next summer.

(.400 member)
21/04/13 02:36 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Patti, it´s a new one, will be interesting to see him this summer.

(.375 member)
09/05/13 07:38 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

It started with a bang - again

(.375 member)
18/05/13 07:19 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread I am looking over its bigger brothers:

(.275 member)
21/05/13 08:47 PM
Siberian Roe


(.450 member)
22/05/13 10:44 AM
Re: Siberian Roe

Thanks for posting.

Re " The bases are very big, hopefully he is just a big one and that it will not grow down his eyes."

What do you mean by this exactly ?

Do some abnormalities occur where the bases
keep growing ?

Can you post a photo of one ?

(.400 member)
24/05/13 07:09 PM
Re: Siberian Roe

This is an example of that, I´ve copied it from internet:

(.450 member)
24/05/13 08:18 PM
Re: Siberian Roe

OK thanks

(.224 member)
02/06/13 04:40 AM
Perruque head – wigged Roebuck

And here's a wigged Roe buck, I ran over at this year's spring hunt of Roe buck in Poland.

(.400 member)
02/06/13 05:39 AM
Re: Perruque head – wigged Roebuck

Waidmannsheil ! Very interesting trophy !

(.375 member)
09/06/13 06:48 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Hunting Roe Buck in June offers some spectecular scenery



Dead nature

(.224 member)
17/06/13 09:59 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Awesome. I can't wait to come back.

(.333 member)
23/07/13 06:51 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

One from South Bohemia

and another one.

(.375 member)
13/08/13 02:06 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread


My bitch just turned 12 (years) yesterday - so I got her a present - sorry, vid is a bit shaky (taken with cell phone):

(.400 member)
23/08/13 11:26 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

A Forestbuck shot yesterday evening. Nice spread on the antlets, but thin as they mostly are in the forests here. Bigger when they live close to agricultural areas. Because the dark came close to the shot I had to use my Deutsche Bracke "Essy" to find it. But it was dead only 30 meters away. North fork 165 gr, .308 did the job properly. //Staffan

(.700 member)
23/08/13 11:38 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Proud Essy. Congratulations.

(.375 member)
03/09/13 06:08 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Today 8 P.M. - Last of the yearlings from this year's quota:

(.700 member)
03/09/13 03:14 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Some tender venison for the table.

(.375 member)
25/06/14 09:23 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Hi what tip to use for roebuck in the 300 Winchester Magnum cartridge?, Right I know that this cartridge will very leftover to hunt roebuck but will be stalking my cartridge. I had thought weighing 150 grains tip but what kind of tip?

Thank you,


(.450 member)
26/06/14 10:19 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Photos i took in Sweden last year of the deer in my mates crop paddock.

(.450 member)
26/06/14 10:31 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

And my Swedish mate himself.

(.700 member)
26/06/14 04:22 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Good photos, Gryph. Did you take a buck yourself last year?

Myself, I have taken a single roe (female) in Denmark three or four years ago, so this most common of European trophies still eludes me.

(.400 member)
26/06/14 06:45 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Mine 2014 roebucks so far:
May 2, 11 kg (field dressed, without head) yearling

May 3, 17 kg 4 years old buck

Rifle: M1925 Mannlicher – Schoenauer in 8x60 Magnum/Scope 4x32 Hensoldt DIATAL, claw mounts.
Load: 180 gr Barnes TSX, 50 gr VV N140. We must use “unleaded” bullets this year in our Nether Saxony state forests.

(.400 member)
26/06/14 07:52 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread


Photos i took in Sweden last year of the deer in my mates crop paddock.

Thats a really nice buck!

(.400 member)
26/06/14 07:55 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread


Mine 2014 roebucks so far:
May 2, 11 kg (field dressed, without head) yearling

May 3, 17 kg 4 years old buck

Rifle: M1925 Mannlicher – Schoenauer in 8x60 Magnum/Scope 4x32 Hensoldt DIATAL, claw mounts.
Load: 180 gr Barnes TSX, 50 gr VV N140. We must use “unleaded” bullets this year in our Nether Saxony state forests.

I was hunting close to Neubrandenburg in beginning of may. We did shoot some bucks. Nice old rifle and scope!

(.375 member)
02/08/14 08:34 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Just got this one today - rut time - came to a call. I wasn't going to shoot it, however my 13 y.o. bitch was watching it over my shoulder. Older buck - nothing to write home about - dedicated to my dog, along with a 100m blood trail (might be her last). Knew this buck for 2 years - place is remote - I had to carry it in my backpack uphill for an hour or so...sure one of those days...

(.375 member)
03/08/14 09:12 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Roe buck rut time - young 3 years old buck comes to a call of a doe

(.400 member)
07/08/14 10:54 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Opus 3/2014, August 5: 3 years, 15.5 kg (field dressed, without head). Same M-S 8x60S rifle. Range 120 m.

(.700 member)
07/08/14 11:21 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Waidmannsheil 93mouse and Kuduae.

(.224 member)
31/05/15 05:45 PM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

The roe bock hunt is one of the most beautiful hunts. In Romania the season start on 15 May.The best period for hunting is in May and during the met ( July-August) when you can call them.In June is difficult to shot because is to hot outside and the grass is to big .The people start to cut the grass in June and disturb the roe's .

We shot this bock in the mountain region not the best for roe deer

These are from hill regions:

(.224 member)
01/06/15 03:23 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

the roe deer hunting is one of the most beautiful hunts. In Romania start later then in other countries...on 15th of May. The best period is in May and during the met when you can call the bock's...

here are some a photos :
nice bock shot in mountain region.

Different roe's shot in the hill areas

(.224 member)
15/06/15 06:10 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

I have managed a few successful outings, so far this season.

I will be out again tomorrow morning at 03:00 hrs.


(.577 member)
15/06/15 08:50 AM
Re: The Roe Deer Thread

Looks like a lot of fun..

I find it interesting how it appears in Europe so many use their dogs while hunting deer species..I have never see that here in the U.S.

Keep posting the pictures please..


(.224 member)
01/10/15 07:31 AM
fading colours of summer, last Roe Buck of the season

A really old roe buck, 9-10 years old, not a regular six pointer any more. Last Buck in age class 2 of our quota.
Merkel 223E in .375 H&H flanged mag, 270 grains Hornady soft point

edited: need to resize the image

(.224 member)
20/10/15 10:18 PM
Last Buck

I had not been out stalking since August, As the buck season is almost over, I thought that I should have a wee look about this evening, (19th.)

The weather was very fair, with a light, southerly breeze, and a temperature of 12 degrees, at 17:30 hrs.

I liked the look of a stubble field, adjacent to a mature, mixed wood, the majority of which runs south, off my ground, for about a mile and a half. Roe from this wood cross the march and feed on my ground.
So, 17:30hrs. saw me parked up in another stubble field, overlooking the park that I thought promising.

Straight away, I spotted three Roe, feeding in the stubble. Initially, I thought it was a doe and twins, but , after glassing them, It looked more like two adults and one calf. I was too far away to see if one was a buck, so i decided to get closer, and stalk in for a look-see.

I drove down to a field to the south east, grabbed my rifle etc. and set off.

The field still had bales in it, so I made my way, using the bales as cover, until I was about 150 yards from where I had last seen the three roe. Standing behind a bale, and glassing the field, I could not see any deer. They could have gone back into the wood, or be hidden in a fold in the ground, so I opted to watch and wait.

By 18:15hrs. the light was failing. I had the thought to move forward, giving me a view into the hidden ground.

Before I could move, I had a really strong feeling that there was something behind me. I very slowly turned slightly, and there was a roe, about 100 yards away, watching me!

Oh so slowly, I lifted my glasses. It was a wee buck. Resting my back agaist the bale, I moved my sticks into position, grabbed the Sako, and settled it.

The buck relaxed, and started feeding, maybe twenty yards from the edge of the wood. I had minutes of light left, so took the shot, necking the buck and dropping him on the spot.

He just about had six points.

I had him hanging in my shed by 19:20hrs. starting to cool down, and had weighed in at 18Kg.

A nice end to my buck season.


(.375 member)
02/08/16 03:49 AM
Re: Last Buck

Rut is in full swing - bagged this little fella first - shot steep uphill at 170m.

Note to myself when shooting at an angle aim lower - grazed on top (rifle is sighted at 220m so at angle of 40deg bullet hits almost 9cm above POA). Anyway - old girl was up to her job and tracked it surely - was a present for her 15th birthday.

Then I got this one - came to a call - shot just by pointing the gun at 2m.

(.577 member)
02/08/16 12:20 PM
Re: Last Buck

Beautiful animal...thank you for posting..


(.400 member)
02/08/16 06:57 PM
Re: Last Buck

What a super trophy, bloody big too. Your faithful dog certainly looks pretty old but seems to be having fun. Well done.


(.224 member)
09/08/16 11:20 PM
Roe Buck, uneven 8 pointer

Morning, Narew 2016
found this roebuck on the meadows, best trophy there for many years.
probably 8 years old.

Merkel 213E, reloaded Hornady 154 grains, 16x70 over 7x65R

if you look at the roses, they show signs of age by "falling " towards the eye.

The greyed area on the nose is moving up towards the line between the eyes.

I shoot him at 30 meters, knowing that this is a mature roebuck.


(.400 member)
10/08/16 06:19 AM
Re: Roe Buck, uneven 8 pointer

Another super Buck, well done. Lovely looking rifle too. I assume it is 16 Gauge over 7x65R or 7x57R ? Do you have any other photos.


(.375 member)
10/08/16 08:25 AM
Re: Roe Buck, uneven 8 pointer

Awesome trophy even to my untrained eye on such matters. How much older than this would they get?

(.224 member)
10/08/16 06:47 PM
Roe Buck 2016

I have known this Roe buck for the last two seasons, and I remember him higher last year.

But this year, my wife and I were out in the evening and stood looking at another buck in the long grass when he walked up just across a small canal. My wife spotted him and whispered "look left, look left", "shoot him".
I looked thru the rifle scope, at 15 meters it was not difficult to see that he was "over the hill" and "select". He then decided to attack a small bush fiercely, I took the shot and he fell on the spot in the long grass.
I am getting old, I almost cried when I picked him up and dragged him across the canal.
The evening sun, the beauty of the moment and the fine company will stay with me.

The weight was 22 kilo without the head, which is a lot for a Roe buck, and the dried trophy is 610 grams. On the right antler there is a second rose, just over the eye. probably 7 years old based on the teeth wear in the lover jaw.
Merkel 213E 16x70, 7x65R with reloaded Hornady RN 154 grains.

(.224 member)
09/10/16 02:31 AM
Re: Roe Buck 2016

I shot this buck at last light, yesterday evening.

I was using my Sako 75 in 6.5x55, shooting Federal 140g SP. I took the shot off my sticks at about 150 yards.

In very nice condition, he tipped the scales at 22kg., dressed.


(.224 member)
10/09/19 10:57 PM
Merkel 323e and Roe bucks

The most recent addition to the Merkel collection is a 323E with game scenes in caliber 7x65R,7x65R, It shoots like a dream with my reloaded ammunition or factory loads for that matter.
I have used it on the driven hunts last season and for the roebucks this summer.
It is a little heavy to carry for the stalking, but the joy of shooting this compensates for the extra grams.

Quite an unusual uneven 10 pointer, 4 years old, 25 kilo

Better image, same roebuck

A maybe 9-10 years old buck also taken with the Merkel, I have known this for the last 5-6 years, Always in the same spot of dense willow.
Now it was time

(.700 member)
11/09/19 02:16 AM
Re: Merkel 323e and Roe bucks

Well done.

(.700 member)
11/09/19 02:41 AM
Re: Merkel 323e and Roe bucks

Cute little beggars - kinda like our sitka/blacktail crosses on Haida Gwaii - except for the antlers, of course.

(.375 member)
15/09/19 05:35 AM
Re: Merkel 323e and Roe bucks

Nice photos, beautiful Merkel and good shots, thank you for sharing.

(.224 member)
13/08/20 06:09 AM
Re: Merkel 203e and Roe bucks

Some roe bucks from this year shot with my Merkel 213/253 16/70 over 7x65R [image][/image]

(.375 member)
13/08/20 04:46 PM
Re: Merkel 203e and Roe bucks

Very nice bucks !

(.700 member)
13/08/20 04:53 PM
The Roe buck thread

Lets get the thread back to its proper name.

(.375 member)
13/08/20 07:42 PM
Re: The Roe buck thread

I dug out some roe bucks from this year that I got with clients in an area that I hunt lately. Place is mostly red deer inhabited and roe come as an exotic addition - healthy wolf population doesn't help either. Still we managed to get some.

Clients are returning ones that buy all the trophy quota (15 mature red stags, 8 roe bucks, 1 keiler + they get 2 driven hunt weekends on red deer and boars).

This one is interesting - 3-4 years old, non-typical buck:

I just managed to find some additional time and visit friends in Croatia. Rut was in full swing, bucks were coming in like crazy - lots of fun - I passed a 4 years old 105 cic points buck on Thursday evening and another one 5 years old 110 points on Friday morning, to settle with this old chap on Saturday morning:

from the side:

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