Quote: Offhand I don't know the chamber dimensions, but a friend has one with the cylinder faced off to handle 45 ACP cases {most common ACP conversion} and cases come out of the gun looking like they were made for it; no splitting, bulging or other indications of oversize chamber/undersize brass. He uses clips with his and the gun functions well for him. A question though for you who have alot of experience with the MKVI gun... It has been years since I shot it, but when I did shoot my friend's MKVI, slowfire single-action, I frequently had the hammer stick on half-cock. Weird, huh? He NEVER had the problem. Weirdest thing to me, since we experimented, handing the gun back and forth, me shooting, then him, with the hammer sticking on half-cock for me and the gun firing reliably for him. I had no trouble with DA shooting. Marrakai, et al, ever seen this condition with one of these guns before? |