I will not buy a handgun with a key lock. That eliminates the new crop of pistols being made today. I consider them unsafe.
I agree that locking mechanisms are ugly, inelegant, and an insult to both a fine handgun and its owner. However, I own several, and although I used to share the opinion that they are unsafe, my experience hasn’t borne that out.
Two of my S&W revolvers have key locks. I considered disassembling them and removing the mechanism, disabling the mechanism by filing, or disabling the mechanism with a drop of Lock Tite. I never got around to it, and they have accompanied me many miles with never a hint that they would accidentally engage. They are otherwise fine guns, and I’m willing to accept the flaw. If you were inclined towards revolvers, I would encourage you to reconsider the S&W M-617, but the point is moot.