Hi Guys, My handguns not as big as the 600 nitro but I went to the range yesterday and I took out the 416 Taylor, 416 Remington Magnum, 458 Lott, and the 470 Capstick today and though I would share the data. Oehler said the following: 416 Taylor 13 inch barrel (with brake 15" OAL) 400 gr bullet average of 2032 fps. 416 Remingotn Magnum 13 inch barrel (with brake 15" OAL) 400 gr bullet average 2197 fps (did have one measure 2205 though) 458 Lott 13.5 inch barrel (with brake 16" OAL) 500 gr bullet 1854 fps 470 Capstick 13.5 inch barrel (with brake 16" OAL) 400 gr bullet 2187 fps 470 Capstick 13.5 inch barrel (with brake 16" OAL) 500 gr bullet 2111 fps I was disappointed in the Lott performance but the powder I used was not one of the best according to Hornady's reloading manual will be trying a different powder in the near future. Also would like to try 600 grs. bullet for the Capstick in the near future. http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb15/BTH_6969/DSCN0499.jpg Next is to compare my 375-06 JDJ, 375 H&H Magnum, and my 375 Ruger (when the barrel shows up). That's it, BTH |