(.416 member)
08/02/23 09:53 AM
Re: FBI 1986 Miami Dade Shooting: An Analysis.

The psychology side of things is interesting to me. Many moons ago a bloke at one of the reptile farms up near Cairns explained the correct way to treat snake bite, something the medical world started to recommend several years later. Any how he asked if anybody knew one of the reasons people died from snake bite in Australia. Many people put forward their beliefs. He said it was due to conditioning by parents. As kids we were told if we got bitten by a snake we would die. Apparently research showed that there were people bitten by deadly snakes who died but should not have. Also the fear of dying causes the heart to pump faster and muscles to twitch. He recommended that as parents we should be telling our kids that if you get bitten by a snake you can become very sick.

I think the psych side of things can play a big part in how we react under stress.

Daryl I think that you may well have the same sort of psych out look that the two bad guys in that FBI shoot out and a few police officers that survive been shot and continuing the fight had.

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