DoubleD is unfortunately correct about a segment of the gun-owning population. They buy a gun for "protection" and never learn anything about how to protect themselves. Sure, it's still better than being unarmed, but at times it's not as much better as they seem to think it is. As the saying goes, buying a gun no more turns you into a gunfighter then buying a guitar will turn you into a rock star. For those that do not train and want a gun in the house for that bad moment in life, I ALWAYS tell them to get a long arm. A shotgun is they can handle the recoil or even a Ruger 10/22 is far better for those that are untrained than a handgun. Oh ----- and Tinker..........DQ's moniker for me is "that Magnificent Bastard". Very few are inside that circle, so it's obvious he's spoken to you a bit. Tell him Hello for me, but also tell him I would not want to interrupt his unspeakably rapturous joy in shoveling the snow himself. ( I get enough snow here to keep me busy. Bank on that.) DQ and come visit me in the summer and cause it to snow . It's his fault! I can't prove it, but I just KNOW it is! |