All the previous post are well written and carefully thought out, but also partially wrong. In the 80's I operated a full service Gunstore inside a large Sporting Goods Store. I also have 34 year of Law enforcement with 16 years on the street, the rest on the border. I use to teach the old NRA course Home firearms safety. The audience was the school kids and the ladies club---politically correct back then. Every thing you guys wrote is spot on for the average mildly motivated Joe with minimal interest is firearm's who is willing/wanting to put the effort into it. But there is another group of customers/victims I dealt with for who every thing that you guys wrote is meaning less. These are the people who just want a gun for protection. They come in buy a gun and box of ammo. They may take the gun to the range one time, or go shoot it in the back yard. They will the load the gun and put it nightstand drawer and there it sits for 15-20 years until they need it or burglar steals it. They will not touch it in the mean time. They will not be skilled in the use or operation. They will need the gun and pull it out of the drawer try to figure out how to make it work. They will be scared and nervous not know what to do. These people need to do all the things you guys are talking about, and never will. I would talk to them and try to guide them towards training. But what do you do with a Vet who was in the service 40 years ago and work in Motor-T and only ever fired a 1911 for fam fire at ITR. And qualified once a year for the 4 years with his Garand and has not touch a gun since he was discharged? I would encourage them to practice and get training and knew they wouldn't. And if they asked I would point then to the simplest to operate handgun-point and shoot, point and pull the trigger. No levers to flip, nothing to cock just pull the trigger-then it was a double action revolver carried in a holster.. Today it would be DA only semiauto. My wife has no interest in learning the defensive pistol skill. But she does shoot her pistols several times a year. She can't load a magazine or rack a slide. She won't practice these skills. But she can pick up her Glock 43, pull the Boraii holster off and put 6 round center of mass at 5 yards anywhere in this house. The K.I.S.S. principle definitely applies to these people. |