Marrakai: Those are neat pistols. Used to sell here for dirt but not anymore! From the left side w/ the flat MS housing at a glance it looks the part {those little half-moon dish-outs give it away...} You could be chasing Pancho Villa across the Sonoran desert! Now you need a Benet-Mercier machinegun for company! {BTW, no '27's were ever assembled w/ flat MSH's as I recall.} Also, many years ago, in American Rifleman there was a metallurgical comparison between Colt's and Argie 27's and the Argentine pistols did differ somewhat substantially in heat treatment, the 27's being somewhat softer on some critical surfaces. I wish I could remember which copy, as it was an OLD one from the '50's or so. I THINK I have it. I use the new ones as firestarter but the old ones are treasures. I'd problem go thru the best part of the furniture before I'd burn those old American Riflemans! |