Limp wrist syndrome was not to uncommon among new shooters, many moons ago when I trained new shooters.
When we transitioned to Glocks with their polymer frames we saw a lot more of it. We had to teach people to lock their wrist and resist the recoil more. Those who seemed to have biggest problem were folks who shot heavy magnum single action revolvers. Experienced shooters. When I got my Big Glock 45 ACP I had problems with it. The guns seemed to flex a lot.
As big and heavy as the Desert Eagle is they are shooting in the video, I don't see limp wrist syndrome being a issue.
G'Day Fella's,
I agree with you DoubleD. The reason polymer framed pistols seem softer to shoot, is the increased give in the polymer, over steel and Aluminium. This may also increase the chances of a Limp Wrist effect, on smaller calibers?
Also DoubleD, what do you believe caused the failure to feed/chamber the ammo, on the Desert Eagle in the video? I'm not being a smart arse/ass, or trying to trap you, I just assumed it was from a limp wrist effect.
Regards Homer