Here are some photos of my .44 Special mutt. It came to me in the early 1980's as a 5-screw Chrome-plated Hiway Patrolman .357 Magnum. It looked like the bumper on a '69 Ford LTD. 1950 Target .44's were scarce and I wanted one, so being a machinist at the time I doctored the .357 into what you see today. I first had it stripped in a plating shop. Then I bored and chambered the cylinder to .44 Special on a lathe where I worked. The flat in front of the rear sight was grooved in a vertical mill with a single-point fly cutter to match the rib on the new barrel and rear sight from a Model 29. The barrel was found in the white in a cigar box in a shop in New Mexico. I sent the complete assembly home with a friend who did bluing, and the result is as you see it. It hasn't the pedigree of Curl's piece but I have shot thousands of rounds through it, even killing a whitetail doe with it last Saturday in the back yard.