I think they are confusing Glasers with pistol shot shells. I've shot some numbers of critters, mostly rabbits, with pistol shotshells and as mentioned, they are pretty poor performers. Glasers are IMO rightly criticised for shallow penetration and overall poor performance for defensive work due to the fact that they cannot penetrate barriers, etc, but as I suggested above, actually, for small animals I think they should be perfect; foxes, cats, skunks, etc. But as mentioned, the biggest problem with stopping small stuff is hitting it. That takes lots of practice. We have rabies here, but it is confined mostly to the bat population. We are now facing a new vector though, wolves, and that leads many to wonder what might occur if rabies gets into the wolf population as it did in 1916 when the disastrous rabies epidemic spread thru the US West. Over 1500 people bitten, many died. Wolves cover so much ground so quickly, that the possibility for fast spread of the disease is certainly more likely now than it was before they were introduced. Rabies was one of the many reasons wolves were extirpated. One only needs to think for a moment about setting up camp, or taking a walk, or sitting on the creekbank fishing, or logging, or some other such activity when a rabid wolf {or any other critter, coyote for example} comes boiling out of the brush with your thigh in mind. Maybe the endemic condition of rabies was the real reason Westerners packed sixguns back in the day... Regardless, we take every opportunity to practise with our pistols and always have. Good practise and we keep the woods as clean as possible of trash, too. For example, I "Elmered" another big black cat at the garbage dump last Friday with my .44. Nosler 240 JHP over 18.5 grains 2400 {my standard load} and it died fast. But don't expect even little stuff to give up quick when shot with service pistols and hardball. The .45 ACP, 9x19, .38 Special, etc, are really poor performers when stoked with military FMJ's. We use military ammo and service pistols for butcher stock shooting {it's cheap and we use mostly head shots} and can vouch for the really lousy performance of hardball even in .45 ACP on all manner of critters from squirrels to dogs to sheep, etc. Glasers are too pricey for me but they should work on the small critters really well I think. |