My first Colt revolver was a Colt Mod. 357. This was the the pre-Python model. A very nice double action with medium frame and 6 inch barrel. Fixed Sights. It was great with full house 158 gr .357 mag loads. I was young and could not yet handle the sharp kick and the muzzle blast. It was a companion for a few years in Alaska. I wish I had it now. The issue above with bent ejector rods could be, as stated previously by others, the exposed rod under the barrel. No underbarrel shroud. The early Smith & Wessons had the forward detent plunger that took the supprted the rod end under the barrel, even before the shrouds were put in place. The Colt did not have this. My Colt Agent (carried on my ankle or a belly band for a number of years when in that line of service) has the unsupport ejector rod. If I had a perp or target bump his knoggin very hard against it while I was swinging it down from an overhead possition, It would have likely bent. Never did. Still works well, a number of years in service. I do have a Buenos Aires Argentina Special police issue Spanish copy of a S&W M&P that has a slightly bent ejector rod. In spite of the rod end support. Guess that is opposite of the previous assertion.