I've used the stock at all ranges to 500 meters on my range on the ranch here. I have also used it on varmints, trapped critters and butcher sheep. I can shoot the pistol as well or better without the stock, mostly due to the fact that the rear sight is far to close to the eye when the stock is mounted and used. In my experience, there is one exception, and that is extreme fatigue. Shooting after long climbs on foot or on skis or after sprints or ski sprints reveals a bit of an advantage sometimes with the stock. This is not guaranteed. Some years ago I did a series of pretty extensive tests with this pistol, both with and without the stock, and found that the stock in effect serves no good purpose overall. Miltary tests with the stocked HP's came to the same conclusion. I've always wondered if I replaced the open rear with a peep if the stock would improve in performance. I suppose I could try if I got a spare leaf for the tangent sight. By the way, the stock registered to this gun is in fact a Canadian Inglis stock, not the flat board normally associated with Belgian pistols. It required just a bit of light filing to fit. If you want a reading list that includes material on these great guns, here are some excellent books: * THE BROWNING HIGH POWER AUTOMATIC PISTOL by R Blake Stevens * INGLIS DIAMOND; THE CANADIAN HIGH POWER PISTOL by Clive M Law * THE BELGIAN BROWNING PISTOLS 1889-1949 by Anthony Vanderlinden * A HISTORY OF THE WORLD'S 9MM PISTOLS & AMMUNITION by König and Hugo * THE WORLD'S MACHINE PISTOLS AND SUBMACHINE GUNS, Vol II by Nelson and Musgrave * HOLSTERS AND SHOULDER-STOCK OF THE WORLD by Vanderlinden * MILITARY HOLSTERS OF WORLD WAR II by Bender One thing about the shoulder-stocked BHP that in my opinion exists regardless of its utility. It just plain looks cool! Back when it was new, here is the stock and detachable holster I made for it. This attaches either to a regular shoulder strap I made {see below}, or to a light double-shoulder "pack-style" rig I cobbled together from a British Army lightweight nylon web set for skiing. Note the short eye relief: |