Hoping this is still on topic? Do any Aussies feed their dogs fish at all? If so what? ie what is affordable? And not too bony? Fish tends to be expensive on this continental island surrounded by sea .... no idea why, when in theory the Southern Ocean and other seas should make fish and seafood here cheaper than anywhere else. Perhaps we have too much farmed seafoods, rather than trawler wild seas caught? The Japs, Koreans, Taiwanese, etc come down here with massive trawlers to fish huge quantities of fish, but us Aussies stupidly pay through the nose high prices ... My Blitzen does enjoy salmon in his diet. But only when I stupidly leave it go off in the fridge, cooked or uncooked ... I think Salmon would be excellent for dogs. Usually I would think fish too good for a dog, and much better in the human diet. |