(.300 member)
12/05/16 06:50 PM
Hunting Snobs...

In tbe throes of an almost-entertaining Freakbook epic with some "hunters" who are trying to claim that it isn't "hunting" if you use a dog.

Forget history. Forget practicality. Forget anthropology.

Reminds me of nothing so much as certain stuff-shirted fops who insist that if you aren't fishing the RIGHT water, using the RIGHT flies ( dry of course) while wearing the RIGHT tweed and the RIGHT Old School Tie, then you aren't really fishing, old boy.

I'm thinking that there's a lot of insecurity there. People who have convinced themselves that hunting is acceptable as long as they claim that every kind of hunting that they don't do themselves, ain't hunting.

Yeah, Right!

I know a little bit about the kind of killing that isn't hunting,mans I'm damned if I will be lectured about it by people who are so anxious to be PC that they will throw fellow-hunters under the bus to do it.

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