(.375 member)
08/03/10 07:07 AM
Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Got a nice Brittany puppy last year. The dog is about 7 months old now. At first she chewed everything in sight and peed if you even looked at her. She has grown out of the peeing but she has become a hyperactive, chewing, digging, jump all over-you monster. She spends about half of the day outside and has over a dozen acres to run around. She finds anything left outside or on a porch and destroys it. She's ripped up flower pots, drain pipes, child's toys, boots, boxes, brooms, shovel handles, and even CHEWED UP a porcelain mug that was accidentally left where she could get it. She chases any and every sort of wildlife including deer and this trait, along with a love of tearing up flower beds, has gotten so out of hand that my wife would be very, very pleased if the dog went away. I have never seen a dog so hyper. Any suggestions short of Ritalin?

(.416 member)
08/03/10 07:14 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

We too had (for a short while) a Brittany who ended up completely destroying everything near it.
We ended up handing the dog off to a guy who didn't have to keep a job and had a big property where he could spend day-in/out with the dog...

Sweet animal, but nightmarish around the house.


(.375 member)
08/03/10 07:44 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Some of the pointing breeds can be quite active and very high energy. If your dog is from field trial lines that can be energy x 3. Now would be a good time to start general "yard" or obedience training with a goal of perhaps hunting some with her next season. I wouldn't discourage any prey drive in her right now you will want to channel that into pointing birds in the coming months.Have you started any training? What are your intentions for her?

(.375 member)
08/03/10 08:23 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

My intention was to get her some professional training but I am hesitant because I'm not sure I want to keep her. She is very intelligent. We have been doing some basic obedience training. She loves to fetch and retrieves just about anything thrown.

Regarding the space she has to run around, she can go more than 100 yards in any direction. She zips around like a greyhound on amphetamines. How much more space could she need?

(.400 member)
08/03/10 08:55 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

She is bored. Classic destructive behaviour.

Dogs need more than just space to run in. Being a Spaniel she needs work and discipline which training will provide. She also needs to interact with 'a pack'. Either other dogs or your family as a pack substitute.

I hate to say this but you need to spend more time with your dog in goal orientated activity.

(.375 member)
08/03/10 09:53 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Agree with tophet. Any professional training will ultimatly have to be reinforced by you. 10 or 15 minutes 2 times a day for now. You will be surprised how quickly she learns the basics,heel,come,kennel,whoa etc (I don't teach sit to my dogs). A good trainer will be able to tell how mature she is and how much training pressure you can put on her now as far as hunt training is concerned. I kennel my dogs when there is no one to supervise them and at night but also supply lots of opportunity for exercise. There is no better feeling than hunting behind good dogs particularly if you have had a part in their training.

(.700 member)
08/03/10 11:08 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Spaniels "Hup", they don't sit. also, when let out of a vehicle on a long trip, they "Be-Quick" and literally pee on demand.

I agree with gatsby and tophet1 - also - SPANIELS cannot be beat for upland and normal duck hunting over decoys - wonderful dogs. The more you work them, the more 'in tume' to you the become. Loved my Foxton's Lady Jessica(liver & white runt Springer @ 30 pounds) - for 16 years. I was concerned about lady being a runt - but being so compact was a blessing in the bush & didn't hurt on a pond or lake.

(.300 member)
08/03/10 07:42 PM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany


She is bored. Classic destructive behaviour.

Dogs need more than just space to run in. Being a Spaniel she needs work and discipline which training will provide. She also needs to interact with 'a pack'. Either other dogs or your family as a pack substitute.

I hate to say this but you need to spend more time with your dog in goal orientated activity.


Unless you can spend a lot more time with the dog I'd suggest getting her a kennel mate to keep her company during the day when you're not there. Gundogs can remain in the destructive puppy phase for a prolonged period if not pulled into line/led by example by the rest of the pack.

A lot of successful gundog training comes down to "training the trainer" to be consistant with commands and what you'll accept from the dog her, for this reason I'm not a fan of paying to get a dog trained but each to there own.

(.375 member)
02/04/10 01:26 PM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

I had intended to send her to a trainer that works with her and then works with us both.

Lately, she has been bringing deer and bobcat bones to the yard and devouring them. She has found and torn to shreds - a light bulb, several plastic plant pots, porch chair stuffing, Styrofoam packing, paper and cardboard, firewood, her leash, and a boot that doesn't belong to us. The boot had to come from another house and the closest one to us is over 200 yards away. I'll have to ask all my neighbors about it.

She's dug dozens of holes in the yard and scratched the back door and surrounding adjacent wall. She zips all over the property faster than I've ever seen a dog run. She has probably done $1000 damage to the exterior of the house. She is untiring. My son took here on a couple of hour long runs and she came back without any loss of energy.

I have given her a lot of attention lately (training and play) with no difference in behavior.

I'd say she was bipolar but she doesn't have the calm side. I don't think Thorazine would help.

Anyway, it doesn't matter now. I gave her to my son who will be taking her to Oklahoma.

(.375 member)
29/07/10 01:21 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Thats too bad. I have a Frech Brittany that is coming up in his fourth birthday. As a puppy, he was a little bit like what you describe but he was never that destructive, probably because he was always under close supervision. It took about a year and a half before he really started to settle down, now he is normally very calm except when he gets excited. He's quite a good bird dog and a great family pet. In October I'm getting another pup from the same mother so he has a playmate, it should be easier going this time with another dog for the pup to play with and learn from.

(.375 member)
01/09/10 05:32 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Seems like I misremembered how much work a puppy is. I picked up another French Brittany pup two weeks ago. So far, its been going okay; the crate training has been more difficult to do than with my current dog. I'll try to start another thread with pictures of the new dog.

(.450 member)
01/09/10 07:25 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

When it gets to real problem dogs as yours is associate her bad habits with the use of a training collar.

EG when she pulls clothes from the line

You have her tied up,hang the clothes,release her and go inside while in wait watching her..its all about association and she will soon cotton on enough to learn that its a NO NO when she wants to chew the shit out of everything.

Everytime you have her un penned or unchained have the collar on her..I promise you that done properly and with restraint she will toe the line in a very short time.

And before any of the "anti collars" start rambling on about them being cruel, my family pull the collar out during drinking games for some laughs,even running flat out its SFA of a buzz. I even have a pic of one of my daughters taking 'her turn' with it,note she is the one holding her sleeve up ...all laughs too and absolutely NOTHING compared to my electric fences here which will knock you backwards.All of my dogs have learnt the hard way on these fences yet it hasnt fazed them at all.

Surprising enough the girls tolerate it way more than the blokes do haha.

I have three dogs here and on a farming property training is of the utmost need and while it is rarely used now it is there on the hook for re training procedures. I cannot afford to have wayward dogs.
Nothing has convinced my dogs any more than the collar to not chase roo`s or wallabies.

Sometimes that's tough as the dogs do eat `roo`s shot on my licenced permit here at times and they know they are food yet now ignore them.

Once the dog learns that they are no longer immune to your yells, screams or gentle beggings they toe the line quickly.

Here you go having fun after imbibing in the Sambucca

(.224 member)
19/04/11 02:05 PM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Just wondering how this one turned out?
Given that I am an owner of trial bred Brittanys, I thought I might be able to offer some suggestions.

1. I pen all my dogs.
Britts are interesting dogs. They are extremely intellegent & will always find ways of getting into strife if left to their own devices. Penning them not only ensures their safety when you're not home but it focuses them when it's time to get em out to train/work. Let em run around all day & when you want em to work it'll be a case of "up yours mate - get your own dummy. I'm going hunting".
If he/she is penned they will loook forward to your getting home & taking em out training.

2. Yelling & screaming are OUT. Start that & all you'll succeed in doing is teaching em to ignore your yelling & screaming. The loudest voice comes from the softest whisper.
Dont hold conversations with your dog (at least not when teaching it). When you speak, make sure the dog knows to listen. That means not speaking unless you are going to back up what you say.
Saying sit, sit, sit, sit, sit before enforcing it only ever teaches the dog not to sit until you've said it xx times. Always speak once - then action. if you aren't going to back up your words with action (or cant) then dont speak - easy.

3. It's quite normal for humans to get angry & frustrated with their dogs. BUT, dogs never do anything malliciously. They never do anything to purpusely p _ _ s you off.
They're just having fun & enjoying life. So, by all means get frustrated & angry but NEVER TAKE IT OUT ON YOUR DOG. If things do go 'belly up' just slip the lead on, take the dog home & put it away.
Then go & calm down a bit & always remember to forgive your dog.It's never as bad as it seems.
Life's too short to hold a grudge against your dog. He/she never will never hold one against you.
Why punish your dog for enjoying life?

4. E-collars are NOT for punishing a dog for doing something wrong. They are for guiding a dog to make the decision you want it to make. That means guiding it before it goes wrong. If you allow it to do something wrong then dont punish the dog with the e-collar. Remember YOU allowed it to do wrong (so put the bloody collar on yerself & see how you like it). Nothing wrong with e-collars. They're great tools, but only if you learn to udse em right to start with. Use em wrong & there is no surer way to ruin what may have been a very proimising gundog.

5. Lastly - if your dog ever does anything wrong then remember that YOU are the engineer of everything they do. If they do it wrong - it's YOUR fault.
Dont want the washing pulled off the line?
Then when the washing's on the line - put the bloody dog in it's pen.
Going to get the dog out of it's pen?
Then get the washing off the line 1st.
MAJOR rule here to remember;
Washing pulled off the line by dog = YOUR fault. Simple as that.

(.450 member)
19/04/11 04:04 PM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Q"Washing pulled off the line by dog = YOUR fault. Simple as that." EQ

It is only ever the owners fault IF the dog hasnt been taught that its a NO NO to pull clothes.

So I beg to differ re the clothes line capers..I teach my dogs to NOT touch what they are not allowed ounce of prevention etc etc!

This go`s for the chooks around the joint also,they free roam here with the dogs together at times so its much easier to train not to touch rather than have two separate camps.

(.224 member)
20/04/11 09:21 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany


Q"Washing pulled off the line by dog = YOUR fault. Simple as that." EQ

It is only ever the owners fault IF the dog hasnt been taught that its a NO NO to pull clothes.

So I beg to differ re the clothes line capers..I teach my dogs to NOT touch what they are not allowed ounce of prevention etc etc!

This go`s for the chooks around the joint also,they free roam here with the dogs together at times so its much easier to train not to touch rather than have two separate camps.

My view is a little different.
Dog's aint children. Humans, even kids, will always have higher intelligence than dogs.
So, if you've got a gundog then it's a pretty safe assumption that it was bought for hunting.
What has teaching a gundog not to take washing off the line got to do with hunting?
I prefer to concentrate all my dogs teachings along hunting related lines.
Different if you're teaching a dog not to break/grab quail or some such, but washing on the line really has nothing to do with hunting. So why fill the dog's brain with non-hunting related teachings? I prefer my dogs to think of nothing but hunting related thoughts.
Far easier to just take the washing off the line before letting the dog run.
If the dog is running & the washing needs hanging out - put the dog away.
Problem avoided altogether.
Yeah you can teach the dog not to grab the washing, but just what if.......???
Suddenly we end up with a problem to fix that has absolutely nothing at all to do with hunting.
Why allow the chance of that problem arising, to surface in the first place?
As you said - an ounce of prevention.......
Just keep the washing & dog seperated. No problem.
Washing out - dog away. Dog out - washing away.
No problem to have to fix.

Chooks are a little differnet. I see them as a positive.
They are birds. Brittanys are bird dogs.
Teaching not to touch chooks can have a positive effect on bird hunting/handling for the dog.
But washing??? Never shot a shirt before

(.450 member)
20/04/11 12:43 PM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

BillA having had and bred dogs for 50 years I have them do what I want and its a very simple task for any dog with a brain to gauge whats right and whats wrong in his/her masters eyes.
My three current dogs at this time ave 10 clicks a day with me around the joint behind or on the quad,they get their dose of whats right and wrong every day..
I shoot sambar over them and they point quail virtually every day..They kill foxes with a vengeance and love their rabbits but klike the washing they dont touch the lambs!
I like my dogs to have a day one out to lay around the house and that means dont touch washing,chooks,plants,boots on the porch etc etc its easy to have them toe the line..very easy.
My dogs work for me..not the other way around.

(.224 member)
20/04/11 02:22 PM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

I think we all know there aint one right way or wrong to train dogs.
There's more methods than there are dogs I reckon.
Myself, I've had Britts for over 25 years now & never had washing pulled off the line, despite never having to teach the dogs not to.
On the other hand I've seen guys teach their dogs & in the process create some bloody aweful problems.
If i dont have to teach my dogs not to grab the washing off the line, then there's never problems arising from it.
It's a matter of avoiding problems rather then having to fix em.
No problems in-between for me.

In regard to what's right & what's wrong we need to think of it from the dog's perspective, not ours. What they perceive as right may not be what we poerceive as right.
Dog's generally pull washing off the line because, no matter how hard you wash some clothes there's always a lingering scent of the owner still in em.
Dog pulls washing down & what do they inevitably do? - lie on it.
Why? - dog wants to be with you & can't, so your scent offers security.
Dog actually thinks pulling the washing off the line IS the right thing to do.
Scold him for it & we start to confuse the dog.

I also cant see how teaching a dog not to pull washing off the line is 'working for you'.
I'd say that's actually creating more work for you.
Just something else to teach that has noithing to do with hunting, whcih is why we got the dog in the 1st place.
I've had to teach my dogs to hunt. Nothing else.

I also dont teach my dogs not to beg for foods from guests at BBQs, nor to not run across roads.
BBQ starts up - dog in pen.
Road nearby - dog called in & put on lead.

All that's in the heads of my dogs is huntin'.
That's the way I like it.

Now if the washing blew into the dogs pen then that would be a whole nutha ball game ;-)

(.450 member)
21/04/11 06:12 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Q I also cant see how teaching a dog not to pull washing off the line is 'working for you'.

Exercise your mind a little Bill and you may realise that in the simplification of it all is that having my dogs NOT EVER touching my washing on the line speaks for itself in "working for me"

It wouldnt be 'working for you' if they were washing pullers now would it.

The three of mine will be pointing quail again at daylight,they have been doing it such since Oct when the birds arrived to breed,they second clutched this year too so there`s quite a few around.. those same dogs do all year work on sambar too and are not lay around the yard dogs..... as an aside now you may know this bloke he`s on the Breton forum and he also hunts sambar with me,
"bretononpoint" he is a long time Breton breeder also and only last year brought new blood into the country after picking up a dog pup in NZ last year he knows my bona fides in dog ownership and training, have a chat to him if you doubt me or my methods cobber.

(.224 member)
21/04/11 09:56 AM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Yeah I know Renato quite well.
Have known him for over 20 years actually - great guy.
Very nice dog he bought in from NZ also.
Best dog that's come into Oz for many years IMO.
Renato's got his work cut out for him with the little fella now though.
He's got some drive alright.
He's currently working with a very good mate of mine to get this dog properly trained.
Should make one hellova good gundog I reckon.

However, I digress. Getting off topic a bit.
When you say;
"Exercise your mind a little Bill and you may realise that in the simplification of it all is that having my dogs NOT EVER touching my washing on the line speaks for itself in "working for me"

Well, I assume the dog/s did pull the washing off the line to start with right?
If they didn't EVER pull washing off the line then you wouldn't have to teach em not to to start with would you? You wouldn't teach em not to do something they dont do anyway would you?
So, you have started with at least one dog that has at some stage pulled washing off the line, & then taught him not to, correct? That's fine. If that's what you want then I have no problem with that at all.

However, you have therefore gone through a process of teaching the dog something that has absolutely nothing to do with hunting. To me that represents a waste of time when it's simply a matter of keeping the two entities (washing/dog) apart & therefore never having to teach the dog that skill. I'm pretty sure you didn't get the dog to guard your washing, right? I assume you got the dog to hunt with? So surely it's better if 100% of his training is hunting related?

It doesn't matter whether it's washing on the line, boots at the door, pots, pans or anything else for that matter. If you dont alow the dog access to it then you never have to teach the dog not to touch it. It's just less to teach the dog about items that have nothing to do with hunting.

Not having to teach the dog to pull washing off the line definitely is working for me.
I simply dont ever have problems with the dog pulling washing off the line because when the dog is running about the yard there aint ever washing on the line to be pulled off. If there is washing to be hung out, then the dog goes into his pen. Hence there's simply nothing to teach in that regard.
Less to teach the dog about non-hunting related issues is definitely working for me I reckon.

Hey, everyone has different requirements in regard to their dogs. If you like your dogs running around when you've got washing on the line, boots at the door, or anything else, then that's fine.
Nothing wrong with that at all. It just means you have to put more effort into teaching the dog not to touch those itmes.That's an effort I dont have to put into mine, but that's my choice.
I prefer all my teachings with my dogs to be hunting related (apart from general obedience such as sit, stay, etc which are hunting based anyway). I think you'll also find that if you ask advice on the subject from any of the top US pro trainers such as Rick Smith, Wooters, Ben O Williams, etc etc they'll say the same thing. Why teach a hunting dog something that has nothing to do with hunting?

But each to his own.
Not everyone has a dog purely for hunting.
Some dont hunt with their dogs at all.
If someone had a dog purely as a companion then I would say the same thing in regard to teaching hunting skills. Why teach it to hunt if you're not ever going to hunt with it?

It all comes down to what you want from your dog & that differs from person to person & always will.

(.450 member)
21/04/11 01:12 PM
Re: Need Ritalin for My Brittany

Its nothing at all to me to teach them right or wrong in my book and I will leave it at that.

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