333 double, Being a fan of the clamshells I like them in size large and small. The little guys work too: http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=221791&an=0&page=0#Post221791 I'm sure you'll be having a good time with your .333 for years to come. Please post pictures of every stamp/mark you can find on your gun, especially the receiver. Perhaps some of the German gun "experts" that follow this and other forums will be able to help identify who the maker was. There is a widespread belief among the German types that the majority if not all of the clamshell receivers were made by one or more of the Merkel concerns, such as Gebrüder Merkel (brothers Merkel) or Bernard Merkel. Other gun makers purchased these receivers "in the white" and provided them to their customers per request. Such was business as usually in the large gun manufacturing cities of Suhl and Zella-Mehlis. Regards, Mark |