Quote: No, you simply committed the Sin of Use vs Lust. I'd pay -- and have paid -- $26,000 or, from time to time, even more for a rifle. (And the most was for a pristine Sharps with a full history, not a DR) But you are right that no rifle, including a DR is "worth" $26,000. As far as paying $26,000 for a working DR, you can get a new and well built (ask George or JJ at Champlain) Chapuis boxlock in a 470 for abot half that brand new. You can get a Merkel in its plainest form in a 470 well under $10,00 and they will function reliably, are properly regulated (at least the one's I own or have owned) and you need not deal with the foibles of a used gun, no matter how well it has been maintained. Why pay $26,000 for a 'current' Rigby even new, when they are dolled up Merkel's at heart? Don't. But if someone came up to you and said, "here is a nicely maintained and perfectly functionable Evans/WR/Lang etc (a 'tween wars British double) for $26,000 you would say no because you presumably want to shoot, not to collect. Many of us have and will pay more than $26,000 for a 'real' Rigby. That may make us a bit looney but it shouldn't get you 'in trouble.' Different strokes, different folks. And no pockets in coffins. Dave |