The bottom line is that it is a lot of money for a poorly done DR. The current (if they are still in business) Rigbys are a pale shadow of what once was, and are or were built on actions bought from Merkel. I believe Danny at Merkel said they had sold a couple to Cal a while back, but he didn't recall if the were going to Rigby or another iteration. I don't agree with all the rifle writer babble out there, but the comment that Merkel builds a fine boxlock for the $$ is accurate when stated by several of those writers. If you want a Mekel DR boxlock, why buy this 'ridden hard and put away wet' when you can get a Merkel new or like new for a WHOLE lot less. Hell, they have some ex-EWA guns floating around, including some sidelocks without the usual Germanic helium-inflated pigs engraved on them for far less as well. Dave |