http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/content/Item/22/78/68/i227868sq01.jpg This is the best flat gun case for a double rifle, if that is all you intend carrying in it! I'm almost certain these are made by Pleican, only a lot cheaper to buy, at Cabela's. [url=http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/content/Pod/00/56/56/p005656hz03.jpg] ]http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/content/Pod/00/56/56/p005656hz03.jpg[/url] The above take down soft case is the best for use with the Tuff Pack. For some reason I can't get the picture of the take down Tuff Pack to come up, but it is the one I have for doubles, and it doesn't even look like a gun case. With the rifle broken down and in the soft case, it can be placed in the middle of the tuff pack, with your cloths, and boots around it, so it is not in contact with the sides of the tuff pack. This take down model has an expandable handle, and wheels, and is easy to pull around the customs, and ticket check-in area, and as I said it doesn't look like a gun case at all! [url=http://www.huntersheadquarters.net/load_image.asp?photo_id=201] |