I've lurked here for a while and enjoyed learning lots and seeing some glorious creations; as glorious creations go, the partictular woodward "Automatic" patent rifle in question is one of the most wonderful I've seen. Sadly, where acquiring such treasures is concerned, I have the "tastes of a viscount on the means of a vicar"! The question was asked whether JW&S made shotguns on the "Automatic" patent; they did. I am acquainted with 4 - 2 singles (a 12 and a 16(?)) and a matched pair of 12s - probably some of the same ones Velopex knows. All have the roller bearing on the front of the purdey double underbolt; all are, or had been once, one of a pair. I understand the last "Automatic" was built around the mid '20s. Interestingly, the patent was originally a hammered self-cocker - a very few examples still exist. Cheers, RG |