We all hear the term---Jungle Gun. Yet I feel it might conjure up different images for different people. Naturally. When I hear it I think of a double that packs power for what typically resides in the jungle (including the kind that would love to give you a face lift) yet light in weight enough and short enough because you'll be carrying while walking in the Jungle and in close cover you need to point it at potentially charging objects at point blank range. I think the 375 H&H double with 21-22ish inch barrels is an excellent candidate as a terrific Jungle Gun. Although I would imagine--and I could be purswaded by---some who would poopoo this 375 as too light and say the 470 is the ideal and truly the KING of the Jungle Gun. Note: I have a preference for very short and lighter in weight double guns in close cover. (just touching 9 or even better under 9 pounds in weight, that is) |