The Baikal (not Remington) doubles have been available here in both u/o and sxs configurations for quite a while and the feedback on any safety or build issues have been NIL. The sxs is available in only 30/06 and .308 so far (I doubt whether we'll see the 45/70 anytime soon) and the u/o have been available in these plus 9.3x74R. Again saftey problems or reports = NIL. Problems reported with the regulation system also = NIL. I assume that given the length of time on the market and the adjustable regulation of these doubles that a few have been shot with fairly stout reloads (not recommended) and the problems reported with these also come to the total sum of NIL. Yes you get what you pay for but to constantly denegrate all these guns based on one bad report is ridiculous. I am sure that the Canadian had a bad experience but who can honestly say that the total production run of all mass produced guns did not include one lemon. To say you would not have one even for a beater truck gun is a bit harsh considering your opinion is based on NIL personal experience. Get some perspective please. |