400, I know you are often criticized for telling it like it is, but on whole you know you guns better than I know my thumb. I can't agree more strongly with you on this subject. An original 1880 Winchester is unique and best left alone. The pre-war British double rile is hand made and is the most valuable in it's best condition. Even if it is re-finished or restored. Why? because a new one is so bloody expensive. We still hunt/shoot with these 100+ year old rifles. They have to work. Maybe an aircraft analogy is best. We all love to see the glorious WWII aircraft at air shows (Mustangs, B17's, Spitfires, etc.) but would not if they were not restored. A Mustang sold for $10,00 0 in the 1950's as junk - A flying one goes for 2 million today. B. |