Quote: I have to agree with you for the most part! Chances are, you will not have a problem with a better made rifle,that being one safeguard, and as long as you do poroper care and feeding it, the double rifle chambered for a rimless cartridge. What I find to be the biggest problem with doubles so chambered is, the people who are drawn to those type cartridges( the belted mags), are usually people who are basiclly bolt rifle people, and tend to want to get every foot per second they can from the cartridge. That is the place where these guys get into trouble, in most cases. The problems with proper loads comes from the tiny moveing parts, that are suscepable to breakage, but even that is not a sure thing to cause a problem. Still "an ounce of prevention", so to speak, is to simply buy a double rifle with a rimmed cartridge,as an innoculation, and not worry about catching your death! You see folks who, may never have contracted small pocks,but were innoculated against it, to avoid the chance, may very well be the reason the disease has passed them by! It is hard to prove something that didn't happen, as being less, or More riliable! Like insurance companies,I do not judge by what hasn't happened, but what has, or what might happen because of the cercunstances involved. IMO, it simply doesn't make sense to buy something that has a potentual to fail, if there is something else, that has less potentual to fail,and is available at the same cost,and will do as good a job, when you have a choice. The debate will never be settled, and there is no need to try to settle it, because folks will go their own way, and that is the way it should be! However, when asked my take on any subject, the answers the questioner will get is my honest opinion, I can't, in good conscience, opperate any other way! So! For me it is Side by side barrels, double triggers,and rimmed cartridges in all double rifles, used for dangerous game! Others may do as it suits them. ![]() |