We are all being anal in this.
It is probably impossible to have a group from each barrel stay parallel to 300 or 500 yards. As was just pointed out each barrel group expands also thus overlapping the other barrel group. The centres may stay the same but what the hay.
I'm perfectly content with this load.
At 140m these bullets would be reversed and at 210m the spread would be crossed but still within 1 inch. Isn't that really good enough?
Mickey is correct, the parameters set fourth are the "IDEAL" that one aspires to achieve! IMO, one can never achieve regulation to that degree, but one must get as close as he can to the IDEAL, to get the best from his double, especially for down range use! The group posted above is as close as on can get without crossing, and certainly is GOOD ENOUGH! Nothing is perfect, but that is about as close to being perfect as one can expect.
The perfect individual barrel group is the best group you can get from your tightest shooting barrel, and as long as it's center is on it's own side of POA, but close enough to form a composite group with the other barrel's group center on "it's" own side of the POA, at 50 yds a very good composite group is a 2" egg shaped group with the center of each group on each side of POA, the POA being half way between the centers of two barrel groups. With a composit group like this, the rifle will shoot to down range sights as well as can be expected, and quite acceptable for hunting purposes. The fool deer, or elk, that thinks I can't hit him with any double rifle I own, at 200 yds is in trouble! As I said, nothing is perfect, but that doesn't mean you should accept a load that follows the idea a double rifle is only accurate at 50 yds or under, which seems to be the opinion of most gun writers!