Quote: No grief, but only a friendly correction! The rifle should be regulated Physicly for the round you intend useing, in the normal manner with is: With your iron sights on the point of aim, the right barrel should hit, slightly on the right of point of aim, and the left barrel printing, slightly on the left of point of aim, regardless of distance. The center of each of these two individual barrel groups, should be close enough to the center of the other barrel's group, to form a workable composit group of both barrels with the POA in the center of the composit group. This is proper regulation, and the barrels are shooting paralell. NOW!, the scope is mounted in the QD rings & bases, Now clamp the barrel set in a vice, with the iron sights on the POA in the center of the composit group. While the barrels are being held, look through the scope and adjust the scope to cross hair exactly on the point of aim. Now replace the barrels on the rifle, and adjust the scope to the DISTANCE you want the scope to zero. In this case 150 yds. The windage is already set, but if you limit your iron sight shooting to 100 yds, and you want the scope zeroed at 150 yds, then set the scope high enough it will print on POA at 150 yds! Not magic, just different! ![]() |