Conventional 'wisdom' would call a 'best gun' a British DR only. I have an absolutely incredible Merkel sidelock built in the '30s that has all the earmarks of a 'best gun' but I am sure I would get an argument from purists on that. I also have a Josef Winkler sidelock single shot that has fit, finish, engraving, and wood that would be up there with any H&H or Purdey ever built. I have also seen Ferlach and German guns built to the same high standards belonging to friends who also collect.
I think the purist would insist that DRs reached their height with the 1900-1920s British 'best' guns and they would be right in the sense of how the term is defined. However, if defined as 'best' by judging the qualities I mentioned, then there is no 'name', only a specific, gun by gun test. Dave