A best quality gun?? Interesting but not a real concern to me.It appears to be a very very limited market with worsening supply and increasing demand from aging baby boomers. The price of a best quality gun is just a fanciful notion that I have no possibility of scratching.My disposable gun $$ would top out at around 15K max and it obviously would require a braindead simpleton to sell me a best qualty rifle at that price.No problem, the 15K gun will kill animals just as dead if I do my part. I habor no resentment for those fortunate to enjoy such finery and would love to touch and handle and shoot such "best quality" weaponry.Even if I had such rifles I doubt I could hunt with them due to a concern over damaging them and decreasing their value.Such rifles are really investments like fine art, not hunting rifles. For those of you who have "best quality" Doubles I admire you for being able to enjoy such fine weaponry!! |