In reply to: 470Nitro, that 50 head of Buffalo bag would put you ahead of me some, but I think they die the same way in bags of 10 to 15, as they do in bags of 50! Saeed, over at AR, has taken an excess of 90 Bufflao,and 12 elephant,and hundreds of plains game, all with a .375, without incident, so the number of kills is not an indicator, in my view. I think Saeed would have killed just as many if he had been useing a 9.3X74R rifle. In the above case it is the man who is lethal, not the rifle! He simply stays calm, and puts those 375 bullets where they belong! However, as I said, I do NOT reccomend the 9.3X74R in a double, or single barrel rifle, as top of the line for the big five. However if that is all the man has, and it is legal where he is going to hunt, then I can't tell him it will not work, because it will,If he does his part! If he had asked what I would reccomend, then I would have told him to use the biggest thing he could handle, with some modicom of proficiency, that was legal ! For most client hunters, especially on a first Safari, a bolt rifle, with CRF, in the 375 H&H with a combination of 300 gr softs, and solids, or something like a 416 Taylor, or 416 Remington, with a combination of 400 gr softs, and solids, and practice, practice, practice, till he can shoot it in his sleep! I find that a person can handle a 9.3/375/416 class better than the .450 class rifles in the begining! I think the 9.3X74R, or 375 flanged double rifle is just about perfect for the cats over bait, or even follow up on Leopard. For Buffalo, Hippo, and the large Eland, the 9.3s are for the very experienced, not the beginer! Gregor Wood, with 30 years of uninterupted time in the African bush, thinks the 9.3X74R in a light double rifle is about perfect for following up,on wounded cats! I'm not sure I agree wholely with that opinion, but then he has thousands of head of African game under his belt, and there are those numbers again! |