In reply to: 470Nitro, I'm sorry for your unfortunet placement of the bullet into the boss on your first Cape Buffalo. With that shot, the 470NE might not have stopped her either, however!The boss can turn some pretty heavy calibers, if the angle is right! In reply to: You WERE lucky, but not because the PH had a 500NE, but because, as you say, "HE DID IT RIGHT"! In reply to: That is an opinion for sure! And it is mine as well where Elephant is on the minue, but I've taken many Buffalo, and Hippo with a 375H&H, and the only one shot kills I've had on Buffalo, have been with a 375H&H with a 300 gr Nosler Partition, unless the brain, or spine was hit. All others have taken at least three shots,again unless the brain or spine was hit, regardles of caliber, or bullet used. I do think the 9.3X74R is light for anything, bigger, or harder to kill than Eland in very close quarters, and I wouldn't reccomend the little 9.3X74R double, as the best thing, when hunting the "BITE BACKS",for someone who I didn't know, but I would have no problem,myself, hunting Buffalo, or cats, with nothing other than a good S/S double rifle chambered for 9.3X74R, with proper bullets! In fact, the next time I go to Africa, I'm going to take my 9.3X74R Merkel S/S double rifle, with some Woodliegh 320 gr solids, and softs to hunt Buffalo, and Leopard! Is this little cartridge for everyone? NO!, but it isn't the wimp most think it is, if you "DO IT RIGHT", that is! |