Hopdoc, Your premise is off. Its not the rapid transition to the second trigger in preperation for a second shot that causes doubleing. It is the uncontrolled movement of the trigger finger which cuases doubling and that is also at odds with a rapid transition for a second shot. If you control the motion you won't double, you will also be ready for a quick second shot, and faster. Two second intervals for first and second shots, with control and aimed fire, is slow. A firm grip doesn't mean squeezing the checkering flat either. Go back to my post on the elephant charge. Both shots were made quickly and both hit where I intended them to. (I made an error in where I thought I needed to hit the elephant to get to the brain - and so did the PH, but the shots went where directed. Keep in mind that it needs to be inside of ten yards to be self-defense.) I will say again that a couple of thousand rounds from a two trigger SxS 12ga will do more for your DR trigger control and in a shorter period of time than you can imagine. Shoot a flat of 250 rounds at a skeet or sporting clays range once a week for ten weeks and you will have no issues. JPK |