Mac: I would argue that they should all be built on the 12-bore action! The thicker chamber walls would put more weight 'between the hands', and allow the maker to slim down the forward part of the barrels 'correctly' while still keeping to the nominated total weight.
The result would be a rifle with the liveliness of a Jeffery or Westley Richards boxlock, rather than a lump of lead pipe like large-calibre conversions on the 16 or 20-bore action are prone to be.
Marrakai, I would agree that the ballance would be proper if the barrels were done properly! That is the rub most conversion builders will use the same barrel profile, no matter what action they use, for a given chambering. If, in fact, proper tapering is done, then the ballance would be fine no matter what size action is used. But your point about the heavier chamber walls being better, is good. However, there are 12 ga actions, and then there are other 12 ga actions, some are much larger than others! Most cheap shotguns are MONO-Block, and are wider, than shoelump, or chopper barrel sets, hence narrower actions! Most 12 ga mono-block shotguns make better large bore rifles, than they do smaller bores. Personally, I'd rather take the 12 ga action, and sleeve in a pair of fully rifled 16 bore barrels, to use BORE RIFLE AMMO with bullets, and brass cases! Not everyone's choice, but it would be mine!