I have a Westley Richards 500/450#1 Express,hammerless double, with selective ejectors, 28" fluid steel barrels with full coverage engraveing on the action and gripcap, trigger guard, and sight bases, has a barred tang safety. It is rifled with Metford shallow (Baker 7 grouve) It has In it's origenal oak& leather case, that was sold out of the London store in 1892. I have a V. Haffner, hammer Cape gun that is chambered for 20 ga short, and 58 Berdan Carbine. it is a back action side lock, with damascus 28" barrels, is a Jones lever has a beautiful piece of very well formed, what looks like Cercasion walnut, checkered 26 LPI, and with a carved buffalo horn pistol grip, behind the steel trigger guard, and a horn butt plate 1 1/2" thick. The cartridge the rifle barrel was chambered for wasintroduced in 1869, and very few rifles were ever chambered for either of the Berdan cartridges. More however were chambered for the 58 Berdan musket, and rifles chambered for the carbine cartridge are as scarce as hen's teeth! I can't find any record of this rifle, but I'd say it was made in the early 1870s I have several other doubles that are surely made more than 100 yrs ago, and they all still shoot fine! Those old rifles are a dream to own, and shoot! |