I have just coming home from Zimbabwe. I shot a dagabull with my revolver in cal. 454 Casull. 2 elephants+buffalocow and a hippo was shot. With a boltaction (404 Jeffery). I believe that most of the situations can be done better with a bolt than a DR. But when the elephantcow came fast - and was shot at 7 m - then a DR could be a better choice (if the cow didn`t got the bullet in her brain). Anyway - I`m looking for a DR in .375 H&H - but the reason is only nostalgia. I can read that 9,3 is a choice - but to be sure that the caliber is allowed in the country I visit - I choose .375. In Zim - you can be put in jail for 21 days - if you are SUSPECTED for a crime. With other words: a death sentence (30 "roomfriends" with a "bad flue" who rapes you 21 days). |