Bill- The guy who was looking at this rifle is working on a malaria cure, he doesn't make much money either. I'm not sure what you're getting at when it comes to class or being outclassed. I sure didn't mean to insult anyone in regard to thier social or economic stature here. I put my thumbs down on this one due to the poor representation of it on a very well-known maker's site. Shouldn't they know better than to miss these details, and then to omit them in the description? When you're looking to put real cash down on a rifle, and I consider $3500 real cash, you should think of where that money's going. That and at that point you should at least start to consider the liquidity of your asset. Will you be able to get your money back? You should. I thought that this rifle warranted more than a cursory glance, and I looked into it well enough to get the photos and explore the situation. Explored it well enough to offer an opinion on it to a friend. That opinion was this -- That little rifle brings a lot of questions up for me, and the seller didn't have much to say about those things in thier offering description. If you're serious about looking into it for yourself, have someone who knows a f-load about the build of a double rifle handle and inspect it for you before you pay. And make double damn sure there's a chamber-casting, bore-slugging, range day a-shooting period agreed upon with the seller in the sales agreement. Who knows, it might just be the best thirty-five hundred buck deal on a double rifle this year! I'm just not willing to put my money on it to find out. --Tinker |