OK. I've been biting my tongue. First, it is your rifle, and your to do with as you wish. Just save the old sights, though, since resale is going to be effected by fiber optics. To me, this is just like the issue of recoil reducers. There are purists out there who recoil at the thought. (Pun intended). But if it allows you to shoot YOUR rifle more effectively, then go for it. Second, an ivory bead front sight is great. If you haven't checked them out, do so. That addition will actally enhance the value of your double. If eyesight is really an issue - as it is for most of us who couldn't afford the double dream until we were on the AARP mailing list - the scope is the way to go. The mounts, I have learned, are very important. Claw mounts seem to get you the best of all worlds. As for scopes, there are some great low mag scopes with lighted reticles. A scope with an illimunated reticle helps with the agng process. The scope itself tranforms a 3D target into a flat picture. An illuminated reticle is 10 times better for target acquisition than a fiber optic front sight. Yes, price is an issue. Again, it's your rifle. |