I recently spoke with Duane Weibe about a restock. My rifle is a sidelock with an extended top strap, which adds up to time and money. He thought he could get it back to me in about a year. On the other hand, bending a stock to add cast is cheap and relatively quick. Sometimes a stock can be bent to provide less drop too, or if the rifle isn't a collector, a peice of wood can be let into the comb to raise it. A good job of this is harder to see than you might think. I had a good gunsmith take some wood off my rifle since I was advised that rifles with extended tangs are not good canidates for stock bending. Removing a suprisingly small amount of wood produced a much better fitting rifle. I was in the shop as the gunsmith removed the wood and it was remove, try - remove, try...til we got close then remove, try, shoot...til it was right. I would advise being there if you can be, small amount of wood = big change in fit. JPK |