Ok guys! There is some q:s about terms here dom let that get in your way, The Husqvarna model 17C that I have is a true cape gun in that the rifle barrel is rifled. however the Husqvarnas of their haydays where made to buyers specs, there are straigth rifled barrels for the 24 gauge, it shot a lead slug and in some cases a lead slug with a copper core to penetrate better. These guns should be considered herilooms and should be preserved to the afterworld. PWN if you feel thats itīs ok, then IM mee the guns numbers and I will get a manufacturing date asap. OK back to the issue at hand, should I buy the DSD that I have been offered? I am torned between this gun and guns that might come upp for auction later this fall. By the whey here are some links to swedish sites.. http://www.pettsons.net/lefacheux.html www.robsoft.nu http://widforss.chiaro.mrfriday.com/?p=vapenauktion&auktion=30 the last link is to an auction site, you can probaly not read the text but one can always peek at the guns. Best regards Chris. |