In reply to: PWM , I don't understand what you are calling a "CAPE GUN". It seems to me what you are calling a cape gun is a rifled shotgun, is that right? Can you discribe what is meant by " 20/65", and "28/40"? A true cape gun is what is known in Germany as a BUSHFLINTEN or side by side combination gun, with a rifle on the right barrel, and a shotgun on the left barrel. The name "cape gun" came from thier use by settlers in Southern Africa, where one gun could be used for what every happened along, with only haveing to carry two kinds of ammo. I collect these Cape Guns, and have two from Germany! One is a H. Berella, which is 16ga/8X57JR, and the other is a V. Haffner, 20ga/58 Berdan carbine, both hammer guns, and both very well made, as most German guns are! Thank you in advance for your explanations! |