Marraki, Siace has built rifled 12 gauge SxS's for Dakota Arms. They aren't doing it any more though. When I talked to a fellow at Dakota a couple of years ago he could'nt tell me what ammunition they used to regulate. He promosed to find out and when I called him back a month later still didn't know. That ended my interest. The fellow at Dewing's requires Siace to regulate rifles he orders with Federal ammo and assured me that he would with this rifle too and provide me with the Federal load number so I can stock up. Alternatively we agreed on the Rottweil Breneke ammunition made for rifled twelve gauges. I have used that ammo in my 12ga pump fitted with a fully rifled barrel and it performs fine on our deer. It is actually too hard of a blend and the slugs just pass through with no apparent expansion, but with a hole that big in a deer they work fine. JPK |