(.400 member)
16/04/06 08:43 PM
Re: Building a double rifle

Judson and all,

Been looking at guns on the internet trying to get some idea whats out there to build on.

Looking at guns on the internet for this project is very frustrating. I can't see anything that you told me to look for.

In reply to:

The action you are looking for should have double underlugs and to be ideal have chopper lump barrels. You also will want a third fastner like a "Greener" cross bolt and it would be nice to have side clips on the barrel. Most actions will have the proof pressure marked on them some where and with basic math you will be able to figure if your cartridge falls within this pressure range. Also you want small diameter firing pins, lots of the old guns, and cheep guns have firing pin diameters that are far too large and even if the proof range is right bushing firing pins for a center fire rifle cartridge is a real pain. Good luck, have fun and be safe, and yes Brown's book is well worth the money.

I went to Gunsamerica and queried SxS under $1000

Here is the list of Guns I came up. I am not interested in a particular gun that was offered for sale but only the design itself for building into a double rifle.

Are there any on this list that should just be eliminated from consideration for building into a double rifle all together. Like Stevens 311 lineage, which I left off the list.

Are there any here that should be "first choice"

Heres' the list:

1. Browning BSS
2. Baker Batavia
3. Steoger uplander
4. Boito
5. CZ Huglu
6. Charles Daly
7. EAA Baikel
8. Virginia Capes
9. Fox Model B
10. Fox Sterling worth
11. Ithaca
13 Lafever
14. L.C. Smith
15 Remington 1900
16. Spartan
17. Needham
18 BSA
19 Bozard
20 Hooten
21 Midland
22 Armstrong
23 Excam
24 Miroku
25 Aya
26 Kabala
27 Simpson
28 J.P.Sauer

Wow that's quite a list.

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