(.300 member)
16/04/06 11:05 AM
Re: Building a double rifle

The "A bit slow" was refering to the 350 grain slug and acording to NE450#2 I should be at 2300 or a bit faster and pressure being pressure if you are low on velosity then you are low on pressure. Doubles are not built to take the pressures of a bolt gun and trying to get up to those pressures is crazy. However 2350 fps with a 350 grain bullet is well within the pressure range of the 450#2 chambering with a 26" barrel. Increasing velosity of a double rifle will bring your point of impact closer togther in most cases and this is what I am trying to do. Do not get me wrong I am very happy with the 1.25" groups at fifty yards but I am trying to taylor some loads where the 480 grain bullets and the 350 grain bullets will print the same or very close. Make no mistake the velosity I am getting now is something I can happily live with as it will dock down any thing I can hunt but experimenting is fun and educational, (I think). The 88 grains of RL 15 is with the 480 grain bullet and after today I will try 90 as again I am a bit low on the velosity for the 450#2 but not un happy with what I am getting.

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